02 December, 2009

MansangKitai – Rethinking of Change

Dayak always talk of “Change” but did they ever “Change”?

Nobody has to remind us how fast things are changing in life, politics, social and business. Change is an ever-evolving part of our life we can't always control. What we can control, however, is the effect change has on us and over us. If we have not improved then we need to change.

Change has many meaning in Social, Politics, Economic and Educational Development (SPEED). Change is inevitable if we want to propel and prosper, and be at par with others. When we talk of Change, we start to blame others and/or pointing finger on others. Such culture need to change right now.

Change to gain positive result

Change is about changing our negative and naïve mindset to positive and creative mindset. Change brings transformation and modernization. Change is not about taking chance. We can’t take chance for granted if we want to believe in change.

Dayak need to embrace change

Learning to embrace change will open doors of opportunities, help eliminate stress and mental clutter even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. When you no longer allow change to hold you captive, but set you free, you capture a fresh exciting attitude for creating a larger vision of the future about your life and business.

Change will happen if only you choose and believe in it

Change is happening all the times only that we have either overlook it or deny it. Every moment is a new moment. Every step is a new beginning. The last moment changed into this moment. And this moment will change into the next. This moment is all there is. That is it, this moment.

Change begin with you not from others

Yet, this moment is rarely what we want it to be. We try to stop change by holding on to someone or something even if we know that it would be better for us to let it or the person go. We do this because sometimes the unknown could be worse than our current situation.

We sometimes wish that change moved faster or slower or stood still but the more we will it to be what it is not, the opposite occurs. Needless to say many of us do not feel comfortable (to say the least) with change.

No wonder when the politicians and corporate companies are announcing restructuring, or the fluctuating markets, high price of gas and the media and economists hammer into us that we are in a recession, we all begin to develop fear and worry; it feels like so much is changing.

Here are ways to help you navigate Change and restore harmony in your life, your own family, your community and your thy neighbors:

1. Get out of your comfort zone and/or “old juke box”.

2. Gain your confidence and eliminate your fear.

3. Connect with nature and look to nature to gain perspective and observe the harmony that exists all around us.

4. Be comforted by the natural order and flow in the universe.

5. Be grateful for the goodness and blessings that are in your life. Sit quietly at the end of each day recording and being thankful for at least 5 possibilities each day that brought you joy.

6. You are complete, whole and perfect. You are enough all on your own.

7. Gain self-awareness and clarity about your personal qualities, strengths and talents. Embrace these attributes and shine!

8. Watch the moment pass. There is usually a short moment of time when we instinctually feel compelled to react - to "put our two cents in".

9. Watch for these moments and instead choose silence and recognize that all is alright.

10. Be proactive in creating your life.

11. Get clear on your values and beliefs.

12. Focus on what you can control and make choices aligned with your life purpose, values and beliefs. Approach the world thoughtfully, gratefully, peacefully and with intention.


Change will come to you if you forgo negative mindset. Change is about creating new history. We cannot change our past, it’s already history. To adapt to new changes we need to improvise our culture and habit.

We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude and mindset.

I truly believe that Bansa Dayak can form Change in their thoughts if they can rid out their fears, selfishness and doubts. Change can be achieved when there’s commitment and effective action. So start Change onto the right path from now!


Do believe in Change We Must?

I would love to hear your comments regarding the contents of this article. Your comments are most appreciated.


01 December, 2009

Examples of "Dirty Politics"

Few campaigns in the modern era have been completely free of dirty politics, which generally means the use of slander, libel, forgery, or other potentially criminal acts to embarrass a political rival.

Since both candidates may engage in dirty politics during a election year, the losing candidate rarely pursues legal action after the election is over.

While voters may be offended by the use of dirty politics, political campaigns are notoriously outcome-oriented, suggesting that the candidate should use any and all means necessary to guarantee a win.

Dirty politics can range from invasive investigations into an opponent's personal life. Dirty politics can occur at any level of public service.

Local political candidates often use financial records to embarrass an opponent. Family members and known political associates may also become fair game in dirty politics.

A candidate's mental stability may be challenged, especially if he or she offers up an emotional or overheated response to dirty politics.

A negative ad campaign is not always the same as dirty politics, provided the charges in those ads are true and confirmable. Dirty politics often occur away from the scrutiny of the press; so many examples rarely come to light until years after the campaigns have ended.

Dirty Politics is always ongoing and unfortunately we as a nation cannot get enough of it. If someone tried to play clean they would not have a chance of getting elected. Dirt makes for good stories so it will undoubtedly continue.