25 October, 2011


Nama kabuah kitai mesti nyauh ka diri ari orang nguan penemu negatif?

Most negative people will remain negative in their lives. Negative people can suck the life right out of you if you're not careful!

If you spend even just a tiny little moment with them, you will begin to feel negative too. Don't try to change a negative person; it will drain everything within you!
  • Remember the last time you had a huge argument with your spouse, or someone else?
  • Remember how the emotional turmoil took its toll on you?
The best way to deal with negative is to just simply avoid it at all costs!

Here are two vital tips to dealing with negative people....

1. Stay away

There have been so many times in my life when I had to break off some relationships because of the negativity associated with them.

Now, I'm not saying you should stop loving and caring for the negative people in your life, but just love and care for them from a distance. Just quit hanging out with them and doing things together.

If someone in your life is sucking energy out of you because of their negative attitude, it's time to find someone else to hang out with.

If it's your spouse unfortunately, you're gonna find it rather difficult to stay away.

In a case like that, some counseling will be required. It's a funny thing that when a third party tells your spouse something you've been trying to say for years, they seem to get it.

2. Get away

Some people think that listening to others' problems is a good character trait. It may be, if the person complaining is a good friend and not just someone who regularly unloads a bunch of garbage just because that's what they do best.

When you hear someone go on with a negative attitude, it's time to find the door! You need to get away from it because it's like a virus. Negativity spreads and tries to attach itself to anything it can get a hold of.

Sometimes you may not be able to get away from it, like if you're at a holiday family get-together. There will always be situations like that where you can't do much about it, except wait it out.

But, just being able to identify the negative will help you handle it a little better. Maybe you can try to be nice and keep to yourself as much as possible. Maybe even have a light-hearted discussion with yourself in your mind while the negative is spewing out.


Being positive and staying positive is absolutely critical to your success in life!

If you're going to win in your chosen field, you must avoid negative people and situations as much as you can.

Now, I'm not saying to be insensitive to people's problems. If you can help, then of course, help them.

Just learn to identify the times when people are just plain being negative. There is no helping those types of people because they don't want help.

Have a positive day ahead!


  1. hello bro,

    congratulations on your award with Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM)

  2. Who are negative people? U forget to define them?
