Enti bansa kitai ka minta anang nganti bansa Cina tauka bansa bukai minta ka kitai, kitai empu meh dulu.
Enti ka nanya, anang malu-anang takut-anang jugau.....lepas tangan bau tai.

Enti ka betanya anang nganti Ketuai nyau udah pulai-nyau udah nadai-nyau nadai kuasa.....berubah meh ari saritu, nadai nya salah enti kitai betanya tauka minta Ketuai kitai nerangka utai ka dipinta kitai.
Enti bansa kitai enda minta, belajar meh betanya.....Ohang enda nemu nama deka pinta nuan dalam ati… ‘No one, can’t really read your heart’.
Badu agi ngemuan “Prinsip Ngelak Ka Ohang Dulu”, “Prinsip Ngarap Ka Ohang Dulu”, “Prinsip Enda Ulih”, “Prinsip Nganti Ohang Ngatur”,.....
For your info there are no such things as “stupid question” and/or “dumb question” but some questions are ‘tactical questions’ and are more important than others!
There’s no such thing as “Enda patut ditanya”; questions can be provocative or even cynical, it is still a piece of ‘intellectual inquiry’ and/or ‘interrogation’.
A “question” is about seeking clue that one needs to know the answer and/or something that people want to discuss in detail/out loud or endeavor clarification and solution to ‘doubts’.
People wouldn’t be asking “question” when there is nothing to ask. People ask questions to gather pertinent information and intelligence (of course by being careful not to prejudge or predetermine the facts including analyzing the status, SWOT/PRESTILE, etc).
Does it hurt to ask? Does it hurt to answer? Does it hurt not to ask? Does it hurt not to answer?
Enti ka nanya, anang malu-anang takut-anang jugau.....lepas tangan bau tai.

Enti ka betanya anang nganti Ketuai nyau udah pulai-nyau udah nadai-nyau nadai kuasa.....berubah meh ari saritu, nadai nya salah enti kitai betanya tauka minta Ketuai kitai nerangka utai ka dipinta kitai.
Enti bansa kitai enda minta, belajar meh betanya.....Ohang enda nemu nama deka pinta nuan dalam ati… ‘No one, can’t really read your heart’.
Badu agi ngemuan “Prinsip Ngelak Ka Ohang Dulu”, “Prinsip Ngarap Ka Ohang Dulu”, “Prinsip Enda Ulih”, “Prinsip Nganti Ohang Ngatur”,.....

For your info there are no such things as “stupid question” and/or “dumb question” but some questions are ‘tactical questions’ and are more important than others!
There’s no such thing as “Enda patut ditanya”; questions can be provocative or even cynical, it is still a piece of ‘intellectual inquiry’ and/or ‘interrogation’.
A “question” is about seeking clue that one needs to know the answer and/or something that people want to discuss in detail/out loud or endeavor clarification and solution to ‘doubts’.
People wouldn’t be asking “question” when there is nothing to ask. People ask questions to gather pertinent information and intelligence (of course by being careful not to prejudge or predetermine the facts including analyzing the status, SWOT/PRESTILE, etc).
Does it hurt to ask? Does it hurt to answer? Does it hurt not to ask? Does it hurt not to answer?
- Asking meaningful questions is never stupid!
- Asking probing questions is never stupid!
- Asking questions to have something one does not fully understand is never stupid!
- Asking questions to seek information is never stupid!
- Asking questions to inquire status of development and plan is never stupid!
- Asking questions to endeavor accountability and commitment is never stupid!
- Asking questions what one deserves to know is never stupid!
- Asking questions for humanitarian assistance is never stupid!
- Asking questions for betterment program is never stupid!
Effective people listens more than they speak and/or jumping into ‘conservative answer’; they always analyze situations.
When you answer the ‘question’ halfheartedly and feeling “disturb” or with prejudice opinion (s), one can access the reflection of your thoughts and even the characters of a person.
When someone emotionally come up with frustrating answers with “excuses” and/or ‘plausible deniability’ it simply mean they have ‘doubts’, ‘unsure of’, ‘not ready’, ‘perception’, ‘ignorance’, ‘alibi’ and the many self-justification.
Both BN and/or PR conglomerates can mobilize their “SPVs” if they want to. Some have even goes into using “unconventional method” to achieve their goals. “They” need not necessary flagging their “symbol” that they’re working and/or implementing it.
“Funds” and/or “Assistance” can come from many sources and/or resources (domestic, regional and/or from abroad) through their networking. Do Dayak lack of effective leadership? Do Dayak lack of initiative(s)?
Dayak already have their “Native Court” (ad hoc ‘Native Community Court’ by nature) in every longhouse and/or district but it is not well structured and functional effectively. When “Adat” is established in these locations it can enforced the native laws.
A. This “Longhouse Community Court” is not an actual court, but it is the commonly referred to designation of the court when dealing with Native offenders accused of crime. This is to show its distinctiveness from the usual procedures involved in that criminal court, but also to demonstrate that the same court structure deals with both Native and non-Native offenders. The Native Court is an important institution as it serves as administrative machinery for the Sarawak State Customary Laws.
B. Sabah Government has allocated a total of RM17.68 million for this purpose; in Sabah! Apart from payment of salaries and allowances, the allocation also includes organizing conferences and courses for District Chiefs, Native Chiefs, Heads of Chinese Communities and Village Chiefs in order to enhance their efficiency in executing their duties in line with procedures and legal provisions or regulations and the State Native Affairs Enactments.
***Truthfully both BNs and PRs (or joint-force for sake of democracy) can assist the Natives (particularly the Tuai Rumah, Penghulu, Pemancha,Temenggong, etc) by providing the ‘blueprints’ such as “Native Court Manual”, “Native Chief and Council Manual”, “Native Governance Manual”, “Native Adat Manual” and the relevant.
There’re many ways to develop NCR land if PR really want to assist.
“They” can use “SPV” and/or ‘proxies’ or ‘nominees’ and need not necessary in ‘Big Scale’ or ‘Big Business’; “Kooperasi Peladang”, mini-estate or small farming or integrated farming with the Native landowners will definitely an advantage to them. Why having ‘excuses’? “Enti Ka Sigi Ulih, Enti Enggai Alu Nadai”.
“Welfare and Disaster Funds” and/or “Native Trust Fund”, any person and/or organization can setup these funds it is for humanitarian programs. If BN can do it via their many “SPVs” and “Nominees” and others then why can’t PR?
What PR lacking now is they failed to empower their “rapport”, “public relation” and “art of influence” with the general public (urban, sub-urban, rural and remote) and if they are arrogance, self-centered and lack of courtesy not everyone would liken them.
There were several reasons why a person and/or organization were unable to establish rapport: Stress, lack of time, prejudice, lack of faith, hopeless, helpless and other negative influences.
RAPPORT is an essential component of work life. Interaction and relating to others is inevitable and unavoidable. If PR is for “Public Relationship” then they should show their good ethics, good behavior and kindness including responding to ‘questions’.
How well an individual creates rapport not only influences the overtone of his/her/their professional interaction, it also directly contributes to success and the desired outcome. Like it or not, the successful outcome of many activities (politics, business, philanthropic, social) depends on rapport.
Since we can NOT communicate why not ensure the presence of rapport during each interaction to make the conversation, discussion, negotiation or partnership more fruitful and meaningful every time we speak and/or responding to a comment.
Be genuinely interested in the person you are talking to and they will become comfortable with you and find you to be an interesting person. The best way to do this is to share your thoughts and/or opinions.
Good questions (yes there is such a thing as a stupid question). Good answer (yes there is such a thing as stupid or dumb answer). Ask them because you are interested in the answer, not because you want to fool them into thinking you care.
People can sense it when you are not genuine. If you can’t care about someone enough to be genuine.....
Candid question:
If one still dependable on the current government for assistance and the relevant need what is there to challenge? Start supporting the government, right?
*Politicians come and go but government stay!
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