17 June, 2011



When your mind is polluted with negative elements, you will get rusted with negative result.

I have heard people saying that all you need to do is “Act Now” and “Take Action”, and you will eventually experience success, this is true to an extent.

But if you don’t have the belief and desire it takes to brush off the many “NOs”, “Tusah Amai”, “Enda Ulih”, “Bisi Jalai Muntang”, “Anang Ngelelak Diri”, “Anang Kiroh”, “Eh Pedis Pala Ngerunding Pengawa Nya”, “Nyamai Agi Ngelangkau Ari Ngerunding Utai Ka Baka Nya”, you will hear, as you expose your opportunity to the masses, you will become disheartened and give up.

These are the scenarios that will probably remain until the end of time, even though the answer is pretty obvious…..

Some of the main reason for failure(s) and backwardness in our community are probably due to:

  1. A lack of Self-Awareness
  2. A lack of Self-Development
  3. A lack of Self-Determination
  4. A lack of Self-Esteem
  5. A lack of Self-Reliance
  6. A lack of Inter-Dependence
  7. A lack of Sharp Mindset
  8. A lack of Initiative
  9. A lack of Belief
  10. A lack of Desire
  11. A lack of Courage
  12. A lack of Focus
  13. A lack of Vision
  14. A lack of Principle
  15. A lack of Value
  16. A lack of Innovation
  17. A lack of Commitment
  18. A lack of Persistence
  19. A lack of Consistency
  20. A lack of Teamwork/ Esprit-De-Coup
  21. A lack of Action.

Take out any of the elements above;“Self-Awareness”, “Self-Development”, “Self-Determination”, “Self-Esteem”, “Self-Reliance”, “Sharp Mindset”, “Initiative”, “Belief”, “Desire”, “Courage”, “Focus”, “Vision”, “Principle”, “Value”, “Innovation”, “Commitment”, “Persistence”, “Consistency”, “Teamwork” and “Action” and nothing will go any smooth.

Success in life must not be left to chance or luck or miracle jackpot. If you cast your mind back to those things you have achieved (in the past) such as your educational qualification, job, car, home or spouse; all started out as seeds of desire sown within you.

Now let me just extract three of the many above and let just say: “Belief”, “Desire” and “Action”

If you have belief and no desire, you are never going to take the action it takes to succeed. So in the final analysis, it is not the thing that most people tell you to do first, action, that creates the environment for your prosperity.

It is that underlying foundation, “belief” and “desire” that are equally important, without those two elements; it will be hard to survive in the world of ever challenging.

If you have desire but don’t believe in yourself and/or your own ability or capability to bring genuine value in life, than it becomes difficult to take action too.

While you embark on “something”, make sure you take time, everyday, to develop a strong personal development program;

  • Be very specific about your objective and/or goal
  • Draw a plan and develop a strategy
  • Take consistent action; coordinate and implement
  • Understand ‘Success’ as motivation and/or aspiration
  • Turn ‘Failure’ into feedback not problems. Failure is clue that needs to be answered with solution.
  • Empowering your “Belief System” (have faith): “Malaysia Boleh – Nadai Utai Enda Ulih”
  • Values as driving force

With that you can navigate and direct yourself to score your dream(s). A strong “Self-Development Program” (cara kitai ngidup ka diri) maybe one of the most overlooked elements to your success in life. See this if your Dayak community oversight this…..

Failing in understanding your “CAPACITY” is not only the major reason but it is so completely avoidable. Take the time to develop yourself first and you will succeed progressively. And I wish you the very best towards your endeavors.


My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.

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