17 June, 2011

MONEY is like Fugitive, be a professional police!

Money has wings?

Well, surely money does have “wings” only that it flies to people who know how to court it (I don’t mean fraudulently). Many have been affected by the prevailing global financial crisis and/or credit crunch; but it should be noted that only a very “wise investors” are taking advantage of the situation. I strongly believe that one’s ability to study and understand the principles of making money (in a non-fraudulent way) will help a lot. Money has wings but whether it flies to you or away from you depends on your ability to understand, implement and apply its principles.

Money means different things to different people

To some people it is physical cash or financial liquid; to others it is any opportunity that can be used to generate money and fulfill your dream. To some others it can be obtained after hard work “kasi pagi-makan pagi, kasi petang-makan petang”, to others it can be made in the mind, and to evil doers money buy almost anything from body parts, love-for-sale, money-for-life, money-for-power, money-for-defection, money-for-marriage, money-for-justice and so on. Some people consider the love of money as an axis-of-evil while others consider the lack of it as hopeless, backwards and/or poverty. Even some financial expertise say “money-launderings” are done on regular basis every way and no one really knows whether the “money” you hold is “duit haram” and/or “wang halal”? Money is pleasure and horny too, like “Spanish Fly” for some. Money is instance security and love sustainability too, for some “Razor Blade” thinker?

Meaning of Money

Economists define money as anything that is generally accepted as a means of payment for goods and services, and repayment of debts. The main uses of money are as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. The characteristics of money include; divisibility, transportability, liquidity and portability, storability, reconcilability, homogeneity, and storage of value. Money loses value overtime as a result of inflation, negative currency devaluation and unforeseen war crisis. But I will only regard money when it’s in my pocket and is ready for exchange. What is written and/or printed in your bank statement or financial report(s) are only numbers.

Inflation hits hard on the poor and middle class, when money fall in the wrong hands

It is so because they have to buy things for their subsistence and with a higher price (barang naik). So their saving gets compressed and the extra bit of money gets deposited in the account of the rich, the manufacturers and the relevant parties. More than a century ago, an Italian engineer-sociologist; Vilfredo Pareto observed a peculiar thing. Irrespective of any society and time, it was noticed that the distribution in money assumes a peculiar form. The tail ends (rich people) follow a universal character (mathematically a power law), which is still more or less a mystery.

The interpretation turns out to be that merely a handful of people have access to the lion’s share of the total wealth or money in a society and/or in a country or state. This is popularly known as 80-20 and/or 70-30 or 60-40 rule. However, only 20% of the people hold 80% of the total wealth and/or money….. In a capitalist country like Malaysia NEP, imposed 30% bumiputra first principle in equity share! Are Dayaks bumiputra too? Hope 1Malaysia Concept could truly bring real equitability to all and not some…

And as for Sarawak NCR Land Development Concept, PELITA (state-owned private company) owned 10% stakes have full controls on the majority 30% land owner stakeholders, really? But the overall character and unethical corporate policy is same everywhere, even in the case of communist regime in Russia as it has been claimed. So the inequality or disparity is a hard fact and there is a tendency of its increase all the time.

Global economic meltdown

The current global economic meltdown has a lot to do with the sudden reduction in the value of money used as a store of value which economists say can be reliably saved stored and retrieved. Examples are money stored in real estate, commodities, bonds and stocks which are not physical cash but its value can be readily estimated.

Many seasoned investors posited that money as a store of value is the best form of investment as there is a sure hope for returns, thus when the credit crunch started it was not a thing of surprise that many people were affected. The ripple of the effect is so much that even those who do not employ such means of money were affected. A crisis emanating from USA has spread even to the remotest countries of the world.

Money is like “Flying Pig H1N1 Pandemic”

As money moves from one hand to the other or from one bank account to the other it is said to circulate. It flows from one source to the other. Interestingly, looking at the recent drop in value of stocks, mortgages and growing distress in banks, one wonders where the monies went to?

Stocks, mutual funds and capital base of banks drop in value as the day goes by and no one seems to know where this money is disappearing to. It looks like placing an ice block outside, in hot sunlight!

Today investors’ confidence is at one of its lowest ebb. People spend less money each day. However, some never seem to change from old habit(s); its boozing all night long and “Buy Malaysia” carnivals everyday! Firms are downsizing because they cannot pay staff wages.

Even the huge sums of money as economic bail outs sunk into various economies by Governments seem to be yielding no results. It is a money loosing bazaar, money that cannot be accounted for, money that is flowing into no one’s pocket.

“THEY SAY” time is money

Indeed it is so, particularly if you spend all your time to acquire money. But money has “invisible wings”; it is like a fugitive. Money changes hands. The exchange is an endless and unstoppable process. Each one of us takes part in the game of exchange and our labor is disappearing!

Money is spent for your subsistence, surplus money is spent to enhance your quality of living and further to add up to your savings. Successful peoples always see lots of opportunities while problematic peoples failed to identify the opportunity. Learn!

Why “Saving” so important to you?

Saving is important and crucial as it is to raise your rank in the society. And then money is invested and the amount swells as time goes on.

Money goes through all kinds of mathematical operations as it is added, subtracted, multiplied and divided as per the situation’s demand. The ability of multiplication takes you up the ladder.

The amount of money earned by you tries to escape your hand and lands up in other people’s coffer. It is happening every moment. Consumers are always letting it go in lieu of procuring some goods. So the ability to hold money is crucial.

Failure means just like you “category denial” your weaknesses in maintaining it. Saving is just like running a “chicken farm”; chicken laid eggs and chicks, and chicken for sale….But “Chicken H1N1 Flu” is unpredictable disease, just like “credit crunch” and/or “market crash”!

The economists will say that the money has velocity and that means it has direction too. There is volatility; the evaporation that is counted. Left naturally in a society, the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. The government intervenes and imposes tax, and so on. Then the money gets its color; “muslim bumiputra” or “non-muslim bumiputra” and/or “non-bumiputra”.

Money is one the basic ingredient of survival in modern civilization (hardcopy or paperless)

When we are living in the material world, why not perform the best things possible in the material world too. It is something like exercising daily which keeps your body fit, and unless you are in decent health you cannot perform your devotional activities. When we have to carry out devotional activities in the material world, we need money too.

The seemingly harmless announcement set me thinking. I questioned to myself: “Why only business class, why not me or anyone else in the economy class? Why is this classification?” It didn’t take me long to find the answer: MONEY, MONEY, MOONEY! – The bread and butter of materialistic economics; the force that moves events in today’s world, apparently more powerful than inevitable time! In today’s capitalist society, money matters, nothing else. And, this single-minded, feverish focus on money has been unfolding an era of increasingly artificial lifestyles and unhealthy and dangerous classification. Duit ulih meli gula, garam serta biceng.

Let us now consider these two propositions below:

First proposition: Where people are able to produce a surplus, some of the surplus would be fugitive and would leave the possession of the people who produce it.

Second proposition: Wealth confers on those who possess the ability to extract from others. So netting out each person’s ability to do this in a general competition for surplus wealth, the rich tend to take surplus away from the poor.

Money has rights

Mr. MONEY, you have the rights to remain silence in the Fixed Deposit Account! Don’t let your “fugitive money” control you, let your money works for you. Act wisely like a “professional policeman or policewoman” to control, maintain financial principles, minimize risk, manage, leverage and spin your money to generate better yields. Live wisely while you can. No one can help you to prosper if you can’t help yourself. You have to design your own life!


So if you are in the competition, time is always running out and so is aging! I have deeply studied the situation and I have drawn my own conclusion; by physical test money doesn’t have wings, it’s a “shell” (just take a look how shell moves on the sea bed and the “history of money”).

It’s one of the important elements of modern survival tool kits. But for all God’s servants, it’s all materialistic and temporary, and heritage. It’s a privilege to have money in order to sustain another day from today.

I am here just to share some of my realworld experience with you and I do hope we can build ourselves better from now and for the betterment of Dayaks together.

I know Dayaks are smart peoples only that they lacked of “smart people” to guide, motivate and give them the opportunity. Correct me if I’m wrong? Anyway let us move on forward to build Dayak “Towkay Baru” agenda!

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