My personal terminology: “OTAN” a revisal synonyms for “NATO” herein referring to as “Opportunity Talk – Action Next”.
Do you know words taken from “Talking” can only trigger “Action”? “Thunder is faster than lightning”....Oooop!! Of course "Light Travel Faster Than Sound!!!
Action is not necessary seen, it act emotionally. Without talk there is no emotion; no reaction and no one can stop anyone from talking and/or react to action!

1. Why some people seem to be frustrated with “NATO” (No Action – Talk Only)?
2. Why blaming our feelings on others for “NATO”?
3. Why can’t you lead and take your own action?
4. Why have you wait for others to react to put things into action?
5. Why lawyers and judge talk before they conclude and/or decide their action for judgment?
6. Why do “Generals” talk to command before actions can be implemented and/or before they say; “FIRE” or “ATTACK” or “CHARGE” or “DESTROY”?
7. Why do “Leaders” and/or “Politicians” need to talk before policy actions are taken?
8. Why do “Thunder” blast enormously earlier than “Lightning”? Ooop! Why do Light travel faster than sound?
9. Can “Action” react before talking and who gave the command to react?
10. Why wait for the talking to react for Action? Who to blame?
11. Why ‘rural’ and/or ‘poor’ or underprivileged’ peoples don’t react to take their own “Personal Action”?
My personal terminology: “OTAN” a revisal synonyms for “NATO” herein referring to as “Opportunity Talk – Action Next”.
Do you know words taken from “Talking” can only trigger “Action”? “Thunder is faster than lightning”....Oooop!! Of course "Light Travel Faster Than Sound!!!
Action is not necessary seen, it act emotionally. Without talk there is no emotion; no reaction and no one can stop anyone from talking and/or react to action!

1. Why some people seem to be frustrated with “NATO” (No Action – Talk Only)?
2. Why blaming our feelings on others for “NATO”?
3. Why can’t you lead and take your own action?
4. Why have you wait for others to react to put things into action?
5. Why lawyers and judge talk before they conclude and/or decide their action for judgment?
6. Why do “Generals” talk to command before actions can be implemented and/or before they say; “FIRE” or “ATTACK” or “CHARGE” or “DESTROY”?
7. Why do “Leaders” and/or “Politicians” need to talk before policy actions are taken?
8. Why do “Thunder” blast enormously earlier than “Lightning”? Ooop! Why do Light travel faster than sound?
9. Can “Action” react before talking and who gave the command to react?
10. Why wait for the talking to react for Action? Who to blame?
11. Why ‘rural’ and/or ‘poor’ or underprivileged’ peoples don’t react to take their own “Personal Action”?
- How have they survived all these whiles?
- Are you programmed to make them “rich” or at par like yourself?
- Are you better than them and/or at par or better than others?
- Do you always regard the “underserved rural folks” as ‘naïve’ and ‘ignorance’ or ‘childish’?
- Why educated peoples do returned to rural and what motivate them to do so?
- Have you over and/or under estimate the rural peoples?
- Can you hunt and/or fishing better than the rural peoples?
- Why are you so passionate of the rural peoples?
- Do you term “rural” as poverty and/or over-sighted land?
12. Why do some peoples blog in DayakBaru?
- Are they passionate people?
- Are they sympathizers?
- Are they Pro-Opposition?
- Are they varieties or opportunists or passersby?
- Who are they?
13. How are we going to “Communicate” if we don’t talk?
14. Have “NATO” complainers walked their talk?
15. Why does God give Human mouth to talk?
TALK technically open-up “OPPORTUNITY”;
14. Have “NATO” complainers walked their talk?
15. Why does God give Human mouth to talk?
TALK technically open-up “OPPORTUNITY”;
- To promote peace, counseling, opportunity, possibility, ideologies, innovation, ideation and motives
- To motivate and inspire others, and to advise and empower others
- To pray and seek God’s forgiveness, guidance, love, peace and righteousness
- To create awareness and keep track of the situational environments
- To educate, seek and exchange information
- To negotiate and/or resolve misunderstanding, conflict, misconduct, etc
- To identify problem and seek solution
- To plan and strategize before implement their action
- To broadcast news and programs, and dialogue
- To create words impact, command and interactivity for action
- To give people something to talk about and keeping you accompany
- To discover the needs, wants, desires, ideas and findings solutions
- To enhance their intellectual knowledge and gathering of intelligence data
- To open our minds and keep the conversation rolling
- To find clues and zeroing the evidence for action
- To stimulate and consider opinion/decision before action is taken
- To propagandize and persuade others with purpose
- To assimilate others into their grouping
- To pass their leisure times and/or releasing their self-tensions or inner-feelings
- To promote services, networking and marketing, and speculate markets
- To command, communicate, coordinate and cooperate for action
- To listen and seek input from other people’s reflection of thoughts or opinions
If you're talking to the wrong group or if your talk doesn't address the needs/wants of that group then you can waste a lot of time trying to share your “talks” in this way.
When talking to people there should always be an element of listening and two ways conversations, but it should be emphasized at the beginning that the discussion element is only to clarify points or overcome confusion not to change the decision.
Talking is about conversation "with" and listening "to" people in equal measure. It recognizes that during the talking session everyone's opinion is equally valid and everyone should be given equal time.
The discussion should be open, with each person talking in turn, and keeping to the point, and this goes the same in blogging and/or chatting in weblog, facebook and other interactive media.
It is very important that the person managing the "talking" including “moderator” ensures that the ground rules are defined, understood and complied with by all.
A “Talk” and/or “Foruming” or “Conversation” and effective drawing together of the conclusions will increase ownership of the ultimate decision, because people believe they have been heard and can understand the valid business reasons if an alternative decision has been reached.
You can help yourself and/or trying to help others at best effort but you can’t help someone else by ‘sliver-spoon’ his/her mouth with food or water everyday and/or making someone rich simply because you too need to feed yourself with food and water to energize your body.
When talking to people there should always be an element of listening and two ways conversations, but it should be emphasized at the beginning that the discussion element is only to clarify points or overcome confusion not to change the decision.
Talking is about conversation "with" and listening "to" people in equal measure. It recognizes that during the talking session everyone's opinion is equally valid and everyone should be given equal time.
The discussion should be open, with each person talking in turn, and keeping to the point, and this goes the same in blogging and/or chatting in weblog, facebook and other interactive media.
It is very important that the person managing the "talking" including “moderator” ensures that the ground rules are defined, understood and complied with by all.
A “Talk” and/or “Foruming” or “Conversation” and effective drawing together of the conclusions will increase ownership of the ultimate decision, because people believe they have been heard and can understand the valid business reasons if an alternative decision has been reached.
You can help yourself and/or trying to help others at best effort but you can’t help someone else by ‘sliver-spoon’ his/her mouth with food or water everyday and/or making someone rich simply because you too need to feed yourself with food and water to energize your body.
- To be rich, one needs to possess rich mindset.
- To be at par with successful people, one needs to learn from successful people.
- I can ‘bottle’ and ‘feed’ my little baby with food but one day he/she has to feed his/her own baby too!
- I can teach my boy to ride his bicycle but I can’t ‘bicycle’ him if he want to ride on his own!
- I can teach my child to walk but I can’t help my child to walk his legs.
- I can teach my son to crawl but I can’t stop him from crawling under the bed.
- I can teach and/or guide a soldier on how to fire a weapon but I can’t fire his gun if I will to shoot his target!
- I can joint-blogging with you here and/or providing you with some ‘politico input’ but I can’t help you winning your own election.
- I can coach a group of people but I can’t coach a million of peoples in a single room it wouldn’t be very effective.
- I can add value to your topic with some intellectual ‘know-how’ here but I can’t read your passionate feelings for others.
- I can coach and/or give some tips to my ‘students’ on how to trade online but I can’t help them to ‘stop-lose’ if they’re greedy, selfish and go burst later.
- We can warn others ‘tsunami’ is coming but we can’t stop people from swimming and ignoring the warning.
- We can talk all day and all night but we can’t stop someone from going to sleep.
- I can tell a diabetic patience to reduce his/her sugar intake but I can’t stop him/her from enjoying his/her favorite ‘sweetening goodies’.
- I can fill the whole swimming pool alone but I can’t fill the whole ocean alone.
- I can take action independently but I can’t take action what others want.
- I am passionate of myself, my family and closed group of people but I can’t read others feelings.
In conclusion: Until we learn to own our own feelings, we will continue to bring conflict and suffering into the world. We will continue to create our own loneliness and unhappiness. The enemy is not our neighbor; it is our own false beliefs.
My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.
My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.
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