My thought of the day
What kinds of “animals” are rakyat (anyway) who have been voting all these politicians for the last 48 years since independence?
Are rakyat blind? Are rakyat naïve? Are rakyat greedy? Are rakyat selfish? Are rakyat animal? Are politicians animal? Or it’s because of your animalistic thinking?
No matter where you live, how skeptic you are and how you percepts it, and how you may term it, politics probably plays a part in your day to day life. You might not immediately deal with political issues, but you can be sure that politics plays a part in what you do!
Whether it is coffee shop politics, office politics, ruai politics, blogging politics and/or corporate politics, it’s all about deciding who gets that ‘powers, advantages, mileages, opportunities, benefits and privileges’ you’ve been hoping for!
It is important then that you understand what politics really is. Politics, at its core, is defined by Wikipedia as the process by which groups of people make decisions. At its core, politics sounds quite simple.
What makes it complicated are the individuals (politicians) involved in making the decisions. Because human beings are not perfect, the political system is never going to be perfect.
This is something that most people don’t really understand about politics. You can put all of the pomp and circumstance into politics that you want, in the end; it is more about human beings getting their way than about the process itself.
It has been said quite often that politics is a dirty business. In Malaysia/Sarawak, for example, politics has taken on an air of hatred and manipulation.
Many Malaysians/Sarawakians feel that they are left out of the process of politics and that their elected representatives are more interested in scoring personal points than in working toward the betterment of their states and districts and/or constituencies. In the last few decades special interest groups have taken on an entirely new role and lobbyists have become particularly vilified.
When politicians do not lead like “Lord Jesus”; they are all (Pro-Opposition/Pro-Government) pursuing “Politics of Special Interest & Career”. Technically no one would join any politics if they do not have special interest and/or seeking career.
Politicians make policies. Politics decide the policies on how you should live. It’s always you who need to decide for yourself on how you should live your own life. Not unless you want to live like ‘animal’; “The Animal Farm”.
Politicians politicize you to live the way you are ‘designed’ by them. And because of this, your survival and sustainability are technically at their discretion, authority and power.
Politicians loved words; both “poisonous” and “antidotes”. But then again, with the right words, they can have it all, and they do. And all politicians remain committed to protecting the system that protects the politicians.
The heart of politics is good: it is how laws are made and how individuals are judged by the societies that surround them. Without politics, nobody would know what was allowed and what was not allowed when they left the house.
Unfortunately, many people view politics as a way to get ahead or to gain some sort of power over the people they live and work with. It is because of these “bad eggs” that politics has become regarded as an evil and ugly business.
Government exists because of politics – Politics exist because of the peoples and it is always the peoples that make themselves politicians. So don’t blame the government because the “Rule of Law” and “Rule of Justice” are all made by peoples too!
In my final view, politics is the process of proposing governmental policies and arguing the merits of those policies over others. Those wild differences of political perception and opinion (be it “animal”, “sneaky snake”, “devil” or “malaikat”) have always existed and continue to do so prove only that there is no single best way. Indeed there is not even common agreement as to the role of government, never mind how it should be achieved. Life has to move on forward.
I loved this infamous politicians quotes: “You help me, I help you”, “USA – Untuk Saya Apa?” “Vote for the Man, not the Party”, “Anang Ngelaban Perintah”, “Enti Nadai Perintah, Nadai Pemansang”, “Vote for Keadilan, not the Party”, “Pakatan Rakyat is for the people”, “Only the government can help you”, “Keadilan is for justice”, and so it goes on.
My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.
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