17 June, 2011


Salam betemu baru ngagai semoa kita DayakBaru.

Aku minta ampun dulu enti cara tulis tauka atur adat aku ditu bisi nyinggong ati bala pembaca ba ruai ditu.

Ukai aku kapapas, ukai aku enda bebasa, ukai aku sumbong, ukai aku ranka, ukai aku nganu, ukai aku deka nyindir, ukai aku deka ngelanyai, ukai aku deka ngelesay, ukai aku deka bejai, ukai aku itok, ukai aku tatok tang aku sigi rindu ati ka berandau enggau bala kita ditu, iya ka pemadu dibasa aku.

Aku sigi rindu berunding sereta rindu betukar penemu enggau bala kita ditu; utai ti beguna tau disimpan tang utai ka enda manah anang nguna iya.

Aku ditu deka ka nyaut tanya Unggal Nu-DB; “ciribut/gkm?”. Nyadi bakatu nangka rintai “Leka Penemu” ari aku ngena jako Inglis.

If you may ask me, herein is my 20ct opinion……

Firstly, we have to define the words below;

1. What is “Teamwork”?

TEAMWORK is the ability to work together and in mutual support toward a common vision, common cause, common struggle, and the ability to direct individual and/or a group of people to accomplish and secure a mission and/or organizational objectives.

Teamwork also means that we share a common ideal and embrace a common goal. Regardless of our differences, we strives shoulder-to-shoulder, buddy-with-buddy, confident in one another’s faith, trust and commitment. In the end, Teamwork can be summed up in five short words…”We believe in each other”

2. What is “Unity”?

UNITY is a state of Oneness, Togetherness, Sameness, Merger, Integration, Intimate and Agreement by strengthening our determination to live together in peace and harmony, to grow together with mutual understanding and to equally benefiting each other.

This must also inspire us to work unceasingly together in pursuit of peace, security, justice and respect for difference and for growth. In this end, Unity can be summed up in these patriotic words…“All for One, One for All”

Secondly, we have to define the general contexts below;


THE term “Dayak” is herein applied to a unique identity known as the Native people of ‘multi-ethnics’ who have been existed from time immemorial and have autonomous, connected, occupied and used the lands, waters and all resources of their traditional ancestral territories throughout Sarawak and the Borneo history, and have the rightful place, equity, justice and values as equal participants in Malaysian society.

These “multi-ethnics” compulsorily takes us now to another definition, “Native Ethnic Nationality”, which means a group of Native peoples who share a common identity known as “Dayak” or “Dyak” (Bangsa Pribumi Tanah Pesaka Kepulauan Borneo), who belief in common blood ancestry and have shared attributes like native rights and freedoms, titles, languages, spiritual belief and practices, religion, Adat supreme law, customary lands and culture, and a claim to a territorial homeland which has occupied and benefited from Sarawak traditional territory since time immemorial. Based on this definition, “Dayak” is not just a Native race, but a “Nation of Natives”.


THE term “Unity” is herein applied to the Sarawak Native of multi-ethnics that involves collaborative efforts, building cohesive, spiritually and mutually respectful relationships between the Dayak Iban, the Dayak Bidayuh and the Orang Ulu communities to solidify Dayak tribes to protect, preserve and makes positive impact on their native rights, cultural, social, economics, Adat laws (including Native Court jurisdiction), language and political fabric of Malaysia society and the world, and a place for non-Natives to acknowledge, respect and better understand the ways of the Sarawak Natives.


THE term “Teamwork” is herein applied to the Natives of Sarawak who amicably agreed, remain united and working in mutual cooperation as ‘band-of-brothers’ to achieve “Native Ethnic Nationality” common goals (Vision, Mission & Objective – VMO).

Herein let me highlight some of the initiatives;

*Just my 20ct views, thoughts and imaginations.

1. To collectively working together with One Vision to find solutions, solve problems and generate success that is in everyone’s best interests.

2. To strive for a principled and harmonious togetherness in “Big Brotherhood” and “Native Ethnic Nationality” to overcome Dayak disadvantages and be at par with others.

3. To narrow and eliminate the glaring gap (Economics, Education, Equity, Equality and Employment – E5) of the “Nation of Natives”.

4. To participate in all levels of government and ensure the voice of the Native people is represented for the benefit of Sovereign Ownership, Natural Resources, Economic Development, Cultural, Education, Health, Social, Welfare, Law and Justice for Native people.

5. To Empower, Encourage and Enable the Native people to have a voice, participate in this great nation’s political arena at a Local, State, Federal and International Levels of Government.

6. To empower, influence and inspire all Dayaks as the indigenous inhabitants of Malaysia and commits to work towards the elimination of the discrimination, marginalization, injustice and disadvantage experienced by the Native people.

7. To have a ‘Representative Participation’ including ‘Special Rappoteur’ in all Levels of Government to ensure the views and aspirations of the Native People are involved at National Level (State/ Federal Territories) and United Nations, British Commonwealth International Levels of Government worldwide.

8. To govern Dayaks and to determine their own destiny; including the right to develop and amend their treaty(s), constitutions, laws, agreements and governance procedures based upon the ‘will’ of the Native people.

9. To redress the systematic policies; Exclusion, Intrusion, Assimilation, Resettlement, Displacement, Alienation and Intervention, of the Native Adat, Culture, Intellectual Property, Sovereignty and Land.

10. To persistently maintain reconciliation efforts of mutual respect, good relationships, maintaining peace, security and harmony, and solidarity between the Dayaks and other Malaysians in the best interest of the nation.

11. To engage, ensure informed and collective action is being taken to improve the well being of the Dayaks in the national effort to close the 48-year gap in life expectancy between the Dayaks and other Malaysians.

12. To re-view, re-establish, revamp, restructure, empower and enhance Dayak jurisdiction:

• Treaty
• Native Court
• Governance
• Education
• Social services
• Justice
• Economic development
• Housing and land reservation
• Health
• Politics

Teamwork is absolutely necessary; in fact it is fundamental to our Unity and our future generations. “Besatu Kitai Teguh, Bepecah Kitai Labuh”.


“We want to leave a legacy that begins today with us standing together in Unity and bringing strength in a time when our Dayak people need to believe there is a tomorrow, there is a future for us to play in this great nation. We will ensure our people and future generations will survive well into the future”.


1. Are ‘DayakBarus’ ready to become the disciples of our great elders to promote “Dayak Unity” for our future generations benefits?

2. What is the Way Forward to achieve “Dayak Unity”?

My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.


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