17 June, 2011



The Bahasa Indonesia (BI) and Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Malaysia (BM) have both progresses well with their language advancement using sophisticated “western language” and/or “English” loanwords in transforming and adapting themselves with globalization agendas.

Example: “WESTERN LOANWORDS” in Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu

A “Principle” translated in BI/BM to “prinsip” (rukun) means a broad and basic set of ‘rule’, ‘truth’, ‘principium’, ‘fundamental’ and/or ‘tenet’.

Malaysian and/or Indonesian have thousands of words that resemble English words. Lots of them serve an obvious purpose: they fill a gap in the vocabulary.

Examples of these are “polis”, “pistol”, “polisi”, “informasi”, “helikopter”, "telekomunikasi", “komputer”, “kualiti”, “sensitif”, “immigrasi”, “situasi”, “mikro”, “makro”, “kredit”, “bon”, “saintifik”, “biologi”, “teknologi”, “inflasi”, “kompeni”, “biogas”, etc.

There was no word to convey those concepts before those borrowed words came along.

But the more interesting ones are the many that do not fill a gap. Instead they exist alongside a “twin” word; either “Native” to the language or long ago assimilated into it that means virtually the same.

For example, “diskusi” exists alongside “pembicaraan”, both meaning “discussion”. Why do Malaysian and Indonesians use them?

Has our Dayak Iban/Bidayuh/Orang Ulu languages been modernized yet? Are Dayaks in the advance mode yet?

How effective is our Dayak multi-ethnics languages and vocabularies (not just Iban, Bidayuh, Orang Ulu, Kadazan-Dusun) in Dayak dictionary today and/or in the “Google Translate” virtual dictionary?

Are we, Dayak, ready to move forward progressively and join the global bandwagons?

Back to the meaning of “Prinsip” @Principle is an abstract object and it can be based on rules, laws or norms.

“Principles” sometimes form the basis of ethics because ethics can be seen as the set of principles which the individual obeys.

No journey can be traveled without a road map and no life can be lived effectively without clarity about one’s Principles and Values.

“Principles” and “Values” are the rules of life that we choose to abide with. They give us a sense of direction, meaning and an inspiring cause to live for.

The only way we can ever feel really happy and fulfilled in the long term is to live in accordance with these inner guiding standards.

People who are clear about their “Principles” and “Values” find it easier to take important Life Decisions. This is because such personal standards serve as a clear compass to direct them in the path they must choose.


1. Imagine if a pilot did not have a clear set of rules as to what is required in an emergency situation.

2. Consider the negative effect if a CPR team did not have a clear cut algorithm that specified the exact actions to be taken in case of a person collapsing with a heart condition.

3. What if our “Native Principles & Values” are set in the wrong directions, presumably all of us would be taking many wrong decisions bundle with negative thinking.

4. Just imagine if we had to live in a world without such “True Principles” to guide us.

5. Consider the opposite of these “Principles”; dishonesty, selfishness, tardiness, hatred, untrustworthiness, injustice, distrust even saying these words creates a negative vibration, let alone living them.

Clearly, people who do not have clearly identified “Principles” and “Values” will often waffle when it comes to taking decisions because they do not have a blue print of what they want to achieve in life.

“Principles” and “Values” are often used intermittently and we may think that they mean the same. However one can discern clear differences between these two words.

“Principles” can be defined as ‘Fundamental Universal’ truths, laws, or standards, especially of good behavior that determine the expected behavior of a society and/or community. They are permanent ‘Truths’ that have a collective influence on everyone.

These “Principles” may be considered as having spiritual connotations and they are found in almost all religious, philosophical or ethical thought.

They include concepts such as fairness, equity, justice, integrity, trustfulness, diligence, industry, honesty, excellence, compassion, truth to self and others, and welfare of others.

“Values” can be described as the subjective ideals, individual traits and personal beliefs that a person may feel attracted towards.

These “Values” may vary across people and cultures and they are not necessarily related to ethical standards.

“Personal Values” evolve from circumstances with the external world and can change over time.

“Values” include concepts such as: freedom, security, adventure, connection, power, creativity and achievement.

To effectively live a balanced life both “Principles” and “Values” are important.

While “Principles” give us anchorage and a sense of internal balance and serenity, “Values” help us to fly high and manifest our personal individuality and traits.

However, at times “Values” have to be sacrificed to the higher ideal of “Principles”.


Let’s say that two of your Values are “Adventure” and “Freedom”. You may feel fully alive and passionate when you are honoring and experiencing these two Values. However your son/daughter might be sick just a day before you leave for that ‘Borneo Safari’ you have been dreaming about. In this case would you sacrifice your Values to higher Principles?

I believe that you probably would, and you will feel all the better for having taken the right decision in the end.

I also believe that the identification of our “True Values” is a very important activity that can bring about a radical and powerful change/ transformation in our life.

We might identify that certain “Values” we have inherited from past experience are disempowering and do not help us to cope with life’s challenges.

Through a good “Values Clarification” process we all can decide which “Values” we want to nurture and which we need to Change and/or Transform.

In this way we can start to consciously take control and move towards “self-mastery” and “self-determination”.

I hope I can enlighten you well…..

My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you.



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