Defining values is one of the very first steps to success and prosperity.
The difference between success and merely surviving is the ability to define and recognize your core values and then integrate them into every aspect of your personal and professional life.
Each of us has our own set of values. These are what determine which aspects of life we regard as important or beneficial.
Our values help determine our tastes, our way of life, our engagement, our entertainment, our social, political, business and religious interactions.
Each of us holds many values and these values are liable to change as we grow, reach different stages of life or have different experiences or influences in life.
Some of the values we hold may be “superficial”, “superstitious”, transitory or fitting solely the moment in which we find ourselves. Other values are more fixed and may stay with us through our life; these are our ‘core values’.
Core values are the foundation that creates more of what you do want and less of what you don’t want in your life. They must be present in your daily actions if you want to be truly at peace with yourself and achieve the success you desire.
Core Values are a reflection of our beliefs and the rules we create around our lives. Because of this, our Values will influence the way we perceive and interpret events as well as the decisions we take.
Core values are who you are right now, not who you think you should be, can be or might be. They define who you are on the ‘inside’ – your core.
Consequently “Core Values” can influence all aspects of our lives because it is the decisions we take, not our conditions that will have an impact on our outcomes and levels of success.
These values help us define what matters most to us in our life and they are the basis for making better choices for taking better care of ourselves.
We all have our own personal values that define who we are as individuals. You may not have written your core values on paper as such, but they are definitely present in your life.
When we talk of “core value system”, it includes the followings:
a. Personal Values: A personal value system is held by and applied to one individual only; these are the virtues which we feel are important to obtain and uphold.
b. Paternal Values: These are the virtues which we are taught by our parents and we pass on to our children.
c. Communal Values: A communal value system is held by and applied to a community or group and/or society. Some communal value systems are reflected in the form of legal codes or law.
d. Corporate Values: These values prescribe the attitude and character of an organization, and are often found in sections on code of conduct, virtue ethics and accountability to the stakeholders.
e. Cultural/ Adat Values: Customary values rooted from the ancient custom and/or cultures having ethnic values that are largely shared by their members and/or community. The customary values of our society can often be identified by noting which people receive honor or respect that stressed individual resourcefulness, egalitarianism and personal mobility.
f. Religious Values: These are the virtues which we feel connect us to a higher power, something more powerful than ourselves a higher being.
Our Dayak “warrior ethos” core values “Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban” provide guidance to Dayak Warriors in difficult ethics situations and as a reminder to provide good order, strength, courage, honor, discipline and esprit-de-coupship.
There are 7 known traits that seem to hinder the betterment of most Dayaks. These traits are the:
1. “Prinsip Enda Nemu Ulu-Ili” or Hopelessness mentality.
2. “Prinsip Kapapas” or Crab mentality.
3. “Prinsip Ngelak Ka Orang Dulu” or Leave it all to fate mentality
4. “Prinsip Kalalu Ngarap Ka Orang” or Dependence mentality
5. “Prinsip Enda Ulih” or Helplessness mentality
6. “Prinsip Enggai Kiroh” or Egocentric mentality
7. “Prinsip Kalalu Minta Sangkong” or Silver-spoon mentality
These negative traits should be discouraged for the Dayaks to grow better lives. It is up to the collective efforts of everyone to do this.
If we want to progress, success, prosper and remain competitive, herein I outlined our new “Core Value System” as a chapter for our future endeavors collectively.
The following seven (7) values are offered as suggested starting points where we can consider using it for our, Dayak, community success.
The Values can be modified to best fit your desired and needs:
1. We Value – Community Service, Community Needs, Community Focus, Community Growth, Community Rights, Community Development
2. We Value – Personal Responsibility, Personal Effectiveness, Personal Learning, Personal Growth, Intellectual Capital, Personal Skill & Talent
3. We Value – Challenging the Status Quo, Change Acceptance, Risk Taking, Innovation, Creative Thinking, Progressiveness, and Productivity
4. We Value – Influential Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Inspired Leadership, Personal Leadership, Shared Leadership, Distributed Leadership, Responsible Leadership, Accountable Leadership, Transformational Leadership
5. We Value – Fairness, Equality, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Adaptability, Belonging
6. We Value – Quality and Excellence Everywhere, Results Oriented, Attaining Best-in-All Trades, Exceeding Expectations
7. We Value – Brotherhood, Comradeship, Teamwork When Necessary, Responding as a Team, Supporting Each Other as a Team, Team Achievement
Valuing yourself is not about being perfect it allows you to make healthier choices for yourself. Once you value yourself its essential to know what your core values are.
The advantage of knowing your core values is that you will gain tremendous focus and clarity about what direction you’re headed.
The question to ask yourself is this: “What is truly important to me in life?” You’re free to decide what “best” means to you. Your call and your choice.
People that live by their values have a better quality of life. Think of it like a map that will guide you to your dream destination. Values are priorities that tell you how to spend your time, right here, right now.
Please Note: You will set values that fail to produce the results you want. They may leave you feeling restless, unfulfilled, backward and stagnant. Other sets of values bring you closer to a feeling of congruence.
My apology, it’s my personal opinion. Thank you
- L – LOVE
“VALUE” simply means the VISION to take ACTION with LOVE and UNDERSTANDING so you EVOLVE…
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