03 August, 2011


As multi-racial state, we may have multi-opinions too. I respect your opinion and this is just my personal opinion.

I think "Sarawak Reawakening" is way much better than "Dayak Reawakening". If we want to be at par with West Malaysia then we should stand-up together as Sarawakians.

It helps all multi-racial Sarawakians; Chinese, Dayaks, Malays and other minorities.

Notes: I am a Sarawakian and I do not belong to any political party but an ordinary citizen of Malaysia.
  • Isn’t “DAP” a multi-racial political party?
  • Isn’t “DAP” believed in democracy and not racialism?
  • If we believe in democracy then we should promote democratic nationalism, right?
  • If Sarawakians are Malaysians, are we nationalists too?
Everybody wants the best in their lives. We all must work together to strengthen the platform this state has built its modern state upon.
  • If it is underdeveloped then we all must develop it.
  • If it is underserved then we all must serve it.
  • If it is underprivileged then we all must enrich it.
  • If it is underpowered then we all must empower it.
  • If it is underrepresented then we all must increase our representation.
  • If it is ‘undersail’ then we all must captain into the right direction.
  • If it is underscored then we all must reinforced it and make more scores.
  • If it is ‘underprovided’ then we must find more initiatives to provide it.
  • If it is underfunded then we must outsource and find more funds to implement it.
Let us learn from our past mistakes and advance our knowledge for our future and next generations’ betterment. If we do not learn from them, we shall be condemned to repeat them.

I also believe Sarawak is dedicated to:
  • Achieving a greater unity for all her peoples.
  • Maintaining a democratic way of life.
  • Creating a just nation shall be equitably distributed.
  • Ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural traditions, and
  • Building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology.
Actually, there are not too many rules to follow:

First and foremost is, "Belief in God and dwell in unity”.
Second: "We stand together, divided we fall".
Third: "Fostering national value and re-awakens patriotic spirit”
Fourth: "Cooperation, not corporation".
Fifth: "Equitability & Mutual Benefiting".
Sixth: "Prosper in economics and promoting a value-based education system".
Seventh: "Love, peace, stability and justice for all".

Let us all commit ourselves to the reawakening of the spirit of our nation, our nationhood.

Let us take pride in the belief of our forefathers that our past has been glorious, but our future shall be brighter!

"Oh God of all creation, heaven and the universes
Bless our land and people
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in greater Unity
Love, peace, harmony and liberty
Plenty is found within our borders.
Let one and all arise as ONE
With hearts both strong and true
Service be our earnest Endeavour
And our homeland of Sarawak
Heritage of splendor
Firm may we stand to defend and protect
Let all with one accord
In common bond united
Build this our state together
And the glory of Sarawak
The fruit of our labor
Fill every heart with thanksgiving. Amen".


But IF you want the Native to unite as “Dayak” then you must federate them, united under the rule of a “central authority” (self-governance, self-determination, self-reliance, self-efficient, self-esteem).

An association, or better still “Union of Natives” who mutually agreed to come together, reconcile and form a Native union (which maybe called “Dayak Union”) in which they recognize the right of the central authority to hold the reigns of power, privilege, rights and representation. Otherwise just forget it and let the dream die-away to rest-in-peace.

I guess “SDNU” (Self-Destruction Native Union) is slowly self-destructing itself, vaporize and fade away into history…It could have been better for “SDNU Reawakening” instead....

Maybe ‘Bunyau’ and ‘Mujab’ can reawaken it??

My apology, it is just my personal opinion.

Thank you.

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