29 September, 2011


Great beginnings are so easily overlooked, yet they’re critical for action, traction, and results. Everyone talk and/or wants change to happen but will change happen overnight?

Think big, start small

We all know dreamers who have a hard time getting into action, getting traction, to begin achieving their lofty dreams.

If that’s a problem for you, get around it by breaking a big dream into smaller parts. Focus on your primary mission by prioritizing your tasks.

Get those done, one at a time. Soon you’ll have many tangible accomplishments, and the once impassable mountain will have been ascended, leaving a manageable downhill run.
  • Everything big starts small.
  • A plan is the bridge to your dreams.
  • A drawing is a picture on how you can possibly achieve and secure your goals.
  • A proposal is the road to walk your dream into reality.
Starting small gives you room to learn on the job, making mistakes and correcting them as you go.

Starting small also allows you time to grow into who you need to be in order to handle where you are heading.

Think a second on these:
  • If you take one giant leap from where you are now to the field of your dreams, you are going to crash landing. You do not have the skills required to operate there yet.
  • If you are an employee reporting to a junior manager, and dream of owning a chain of businesses, you have to grow into the role.
  • If a chain of businesses is handed over to you on a platter, you will wreck it, as you have no clue how the systems work.
By starting small, you learn the ropes gradually. Most situation and/or organization start with a protem committee or ‘little people’ or even single individual – the dreamer!

You’re the master of all (Jake of all trades); the President, CEO, GM, accountant, salesman, janitor, production, you name it….. And you play all those roles, because you cannot afford an extra hand just yet.

As things pick up, you will be able to hire the first employee, then the second to look after or helping you runs your organization/business.

You stand handing over the systems you designed for others to run, so that you can focus on management and business development or the relevant.

As the situation and/or business expends gradually, you spill out from the garage to an office in the complex, and then a bigger office and years down the line, to your own property.

You get to the point where you hire a “CEO” (not Chief Entertainment Officer) and step up to become Chairman of the Board.

As you grow gradually, you learn invaluable lessons along the way, experience that prepare you for life at the top. It all begins by starting small. No your risk you live sustainably.

Thank you


The basic strategy of venturing into any business (local or international):

W.H.O.M. Strategy:
  • W – Know Whom
  • H – Know How
  • O – Know Opportunity
  • M – Know Market
The basic strategy to enhance your business (local or international):

A.F.F.A.N.D.I.R. Strategy:
  • A – Asset (monetary/non-monetary)
  • F – Funds
  • F – Facility
  • A – Alliance
  • N – Network
  • D – Development/ Diversification
  • I – Investment
  • R - Returns
The basic needs of embarking into a business (local or international)

SWOT Analysis:
  • Know your Strength
  • Know your Weakness
  • Know your Opportunity
  • Know your Threat (risk elements)
The basic analysis of understanding a business (local or international)

PESTLE Analysis:
  • Political factors
  • Economics factors (domestic/regional/global)
  • Social factors
  • Technological factors
  • Legal factors
  • Environmental factors
The essential tools to kick-start a business:
  • Do your above homework and start researching your potential market
  • Prepare a business plan (without plan, your plane will never takeoff)
  • Forming your company
  • Register your domain name (entity & branding)
  • Build your website
  • Register your company with ROC
  • Open a business account
  • Raise funds for your business
  • Apply for business permits and licenses, if applicable
  • Buy/rent office space if needed
  • Consider the other services needed to operate your business efficiently.
  • Create business materials
  • Develop a marketing plan for your products or services
To do business, you need to be “Busy, Involve & Necessary” by building possibility, to create opportunity and to generate profits.
  • Business is not a show; it is your show to capitalize opportunity.
  • Business is risky but worth the risk if you can identify and manage the risk to generate good returns.
  • Big business starts small – small business start from zero.
  • Small business can control big business if you’re good in corporate maneuvering.
  • Small business can have dozen of businesses if you can identify them.
  • Business don’t guarantee success, it is you that needs to warrant it.
  • Business don’t print money, it’s your business success that multiply money.
  • Business sound easy, it doesn’t if you failed to understand the primary role of operating a business.
  • City business and rural business are equally the same (it’s still a business); the only different is the market and demands.
  • Business doesn’t make you rich overnight, it takes hell of hard work, patient, persistence and commitment.
  • Business never fail, it’s you who fail to run it.
  • Business is always available, busy and huge, it’s you who need to identify and secure it.
  • Business can make you rich, very rich and it can make you poorer-poor and/or bankrupt too.
Ketu ka nangka tu dulu penemu ari aku….ila berandau baru ga kitai sebuat.........

28 September, 2011


I wonder why people keep on complaining, keep on blaming, keep on instigating and keep on point finger unto others?

I presume it is easy to pointing finger on someone else or anyone for our failure, mistakes, weakness and/or backwardness. Have we analyzed our own “SWOT” and/or find the solution or initiative to resolve it? What are the....

I presume it is also easy to blaming others when the person is on the top and/or success prosperously. Have we identified the ladder to success and prosper? What are the.....

But have we forgotten of how they all go up there or what have they went through to be on the top?

Would I be overstating it if I went out on a limb and made the bold assertion that we have lost our moral compass?

And as a part of that observation say that we have been holding up the wrong people as our heroes and role models for far too long! And it only seems to be getting worse.

As an Iban (Dayak) population in Sarawak, we are losing our ability to discern the difference between right and wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust and be willing to take a stand and declare ourselves.

Traditional morality is our sense of what is right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust.

A Hero In You - A Role Model In You

To go along with this it is also my contention that a “hero” or “role model” must be a disciplined yet committed person.

Meaning that he/she should be prepared to take responsibility for their lives, always tell themselves and therefore others the truth and as much as possible lead a balanced life.

Among other things includes having integrity, courage, charity, compassion, an ability to forgive and a willingness to delay gratification.

Beyond what I believe are some of the characteristics of a “hero” are a number of others:
  • A man/woman admired for his/her achievements and noble qualities; one who shows great courage,
  • Wisdom and fortitude to do what is right,
  • Possessing and displaying the highest level of charity, selfless dedication and a willingness to put others first while seeking no attention for him/herself.
A role model is considered to be a person who serves as a model in a particular behavioral or social role for another person to emulate.

A person who is unusually effective or inspiring in some social role, job, etc. and so serves as a model for others, in fact very similar or synonymous with a hero.

Don’t blame Idris Jala, he doesn’t own Malaysia/Sarawak. In his daily routines, he has so many things to observe, analyze, work and implement on the table and other rooms.

Beside Datuk Temenggong Kanang Ak Langkau a veteran war hero and other heroes, Idris Jala is a role model for Dayaks too; from employee to corporate leader and then now a government ministrator. Have you ever dream to become a role model like him one day?

By the way, have anyone of you ever approach him personally and/or propose some initiatives to help the Dayaks?

Think for a second, where have all these “blames” or “pointing-fingers” or “instigating” come from?

Has it not come from You? But what has it got to do with You? Have you not done enough to resolve it?

Think and think for a second....

27 September, 2011


Talk cheap – Personal Action First

I like chatting and/or writing articles while I am free. But that doesn’t mean I am not doing anything;
  • Some times I trade online on my 4x big screens
  • Some times I lock on “autotrade mode” (Wavetrader Strategies) and taking my break doing something else useful.
  • And some times I will be on the moves meeting friends and business associates to discuss on potential prospects and other matters.
I always keep myself busy and occupy; agi idup – agi gawa – udah parai nadai ko enggau meh.....hehehe....

I walk the time.

To me time management is very important and I do not want to miss every bit of it. Weekend is my family days (outing, movie and church). Motivating others is part of my social service while empowering my well being.

In the category of human achievement there are many antidotes, words of wisdom, and quotes from famous people, some long gone, and some still living.

But rather than merely reciting these cool phrases, and motivational hot buttons, perhaps you should stop talking about it all, stop sitting in committees, stop proposing "what if's", and just write down what you have so far, and commit to doing something about it.

It's easy to get ready; to take aim, to go back and get ready again, but sometimes it is most important to just pull the trigger; to start.

You can't win if you never try, and talk is cheap in business, talk is cheap and sports, about the only thing talk is good for is the courtroom or the political podium.
  • If you are a politician, perhaps you can keep on talking yourself to become a “YB”
  • If you are a lawyer maybe you can convince the jury that you actually have the better argument for the case.
  • If you are a businessman then you should always on the move to find opportunities because business never sleeps but man do.
  • If you are a priest, perhaps you can inspire more people with God’s words and keep them closer to Him.
  • If you are jobless, perhaps you should go around find suitable job for yourself and your immediate family, and start saving.
  • If you are pensioner or retiree, perhaps you should look after your health, enjoy life (good food, vacation and etc) or look after your grandchildren (if any) and finish well. Life is short and precious.
  • If you are still a student, perhaps you should focus on your studies and aim higher to achieve your “big dream” and score higher grade.
  • But if you are someone who would like to achieve something in your life, something worthy, then isn't it about time you go out and do something?
Now then, we both know all the ideas and/or quotes off the top of our heads, and we know all the slogans such as; go for it, or just do it.

What good idea it is if it still remains an idea. And yet those ideas and/or “words and phrases” don’t mean anything if you don't take action. If you don't do something about it will never happen; “NATO”?


If you are never going to act on a single action, action will never come to you; it fly-fly away and soon be forgotten.

If you want to achieve anything in life you've got to get out and do it, you’ve to create possibility, you’ve to do something, you've got to want it, you have to care, you have to set your sites, and you have to start.

Indeed, rather than me continue this article and harp on something you already know to be true, let me end this discussion right now, and you get off the Internet, stop clowning around, get off your butt, and go do it. That's all I have to say.


26 September, 2011



  • Majak pecah
  • Majak pambar
  • Majak laboh
  • Majak carut
  • Majak nadai
  • Majak tinggal
  • Majak merinsa
  • Majak kalah

In nation building, it requires patriotism.

In Dayak unity, it requires Dayakism.

You cannot unite the Dayak in others’ shoes and/or at the mercy of others or conspired with others....if Dayak is for Dayak.

Where Unity is lacked and where uniformity is lagging and non-existence;

  • People live in isolation, loss of entity (identity), vulnerable, marginalization and discrimination.
  • People live underserved, underdeveloped and underprivileged.
  • Division leads to political instability, powerlessness, colonization and assimilation.
  • Political instability leads to injustice, corruption, double-standard, economics backwardness and social problem.
  • Economics backwardness leads to poverty, homeless, landless, hopelessness and helplessness.

In Malaysia where there is division, the people identify themselves with words like: Bumiputras, Non-Bumiputras, Muslims, Non-Muslims, Christians, Pagans, Orang Asli or Others.

As for the Dayaks, they are too divided by political ideologies and tribalism. The only possible way to unite the Dayaks (and particularly the majority Dayak Iban ethnic) irrespective of their differences (politics, cultures, adats, beliefs, associations, clans and languages) is to realize their common interest and the usefulness of working together to achieve a common goal (and not to focus on self-interest).

Building a united Dayak is to appreciate the usefulness of every part, every aspect, every strength, every weakness, every issue, every possibility and every initiative hence a common problem is best tackled through a common means; common humanity, common cause, common agenda, common adat, common culture, common togetherness, common understanding, common accommodation and common beliefs even in the darkest, deepest and sensitiveness in their disagreements.

Unity through uniformity and reconciliation cannot be achieved without forceful blending of so many opposites who think less or nothing good about the others, and never ending dispute, blaming game, pointing-finger, power greed and struggle for ‘paramountship’.

“Dayak Unity” must embrace by all (regardless of political background; pro-government or opposition or ‘atas pagar’), even the mistakes of the other people and/or miscalculated historical approach.

It needs oneness, volunteerism, togetherness, openness, forgiveness and willingness to accommodate other people’s excesses for the sake of greater power, self-governance, solidarity, equality, equitability, co-existence, sustainability, peace, harmony, positive growth, modernization and development.


  • Aku Iban – Aku Dayak – Bansa Aku
  • Aku Bidayuh – Aku Dayak – Bansa Aku
  • Aku Orang Ulu – Aku Dayak – Bansa Aku
  • Aku Melanau – Aku Dayak – Bansa Aku


  • Aku Dayak – Aku Malaysian – Bangsa Aku
  • Aku Melayu – Aku Malaysian – Bangsa Aku
  • Aku Cina – Aku Malaysian – Bangsa Aku
  • Aku India – Aku Malaysian – Bangsa Aku
  • Aku Sarawakian – Aku Malaysian – Bangsa Aku

You cannot unite “Dayak” through politics but you can unite “Dayak” through “Common Means”.

If you reject uniformity – you reject unity?

If you reject “Dayakism” – just drop the word “Dayak” from your vocabulary. ‘D-End’

“U pikir-pikir lah sendiri....”

16 September, 2011


Thought of the day....
  • Many people wonder how many people become poor without money, higher education or capital.
  • Many people wonder how many people become very rich without money, higher education or capital.
  • Many people wonder how many people become successful without money, higher education or capital.
This world is full of people who are born poor, and since they face lack of education and capital, they believe they cannot get a good job or start their own business or whatever.

They assume that since they lack capital, they will not make any progress by trying, so they simply leave success to destiny and wait for an opportunity to come their way.

Yet these same people wonder how some of the famous self-made millionaires or billionaires created million/billion Ringgit Empires out of nothing.

Like you, others ask how these people managed to find start up capital for starting their business, and how they succeeded without higher education. In fact, they managed to generate millions or billions and create a big empire and/or legacy.

The secret lies in developing some creative and innovative skills.

We wondered these same things so we studied the lives of these self-made millionaires or billionaires who started with small capital or even with nothing or even mortgaged a home and sank savings to start a company and/or acquire a company.

Let me tell you what surprised me: the secret lies in our own mind.

God gave each of us a brain and different gifts; we all have the power in our mind in the form of ideas that can be developed with careful planning, training and exercise.

The people who decide to develop their skills and ideas become like Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes (AirAsia), Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr Jeffrey Cheah (Sunway Group), Tan Sri Dato Kuok (Kerry Group), and Tan Sri Dato Seri (Dr.) Lim Goh Tong (Genting Group), and others like Bill Gates (Microsoft). Other people remain poor. There are no excuses for the lack of success.

Learn from their hardships.....nothing is truly easy....no money fall from the sky without struggle, sacrifices, taking risk, big dream, creativity and innovation.

You can do more than get ahead if you develop your skills and apply them to create new services or products and create your own wealth.

What advantages do innovative skills offer you?

You can reap these advantages by developing your own creative and innovative skills:
  • You can start a business without any capital and turn it into a money making machine.
  • You may start your business with little capital and create a business empire worth millions.
  • You may start a business from home and turn it into a business empire.
  • You might make millions by selling your abilities without any investments.
  • You may turn your side or creative jobs into billions.
  • You can generate million ringgit money making ideas.
  • You may multiply or double the profits of an existing small business many times over.
  • You can create your own opportunities in any business instead of waiting for them.
  • You can easily get a high paying job by developing skills.
  • You may attract investments of millions for your profitable business projects.
  • You can make millions with others ideas, products and money when you have the right idea.
  • You can turn an ordinary product into many times of its value.
  • In some of the businesses, you can even earn more than 3000% profits against your small investments.
  • You can make millions or billions, just like self-made millionaires or billionaires, by turning your knowledge into a useful product that solves a problem for customers/clients or makes their lives better.
Developing creative talent can even turn a single ringgit into thousands.


There is no success without failures. There are many definitions of success. Traditionally, it is defined as the degree to which goals and expectations are met. On the other hand, one of the definitions of failure is the inability of a firm to pay its obligations when they are due.

Thank you.

11 September, 2011


What kind of Entrepreneur are You?

The basic of becoming an entrepreneur is that you must be enterprising enough to organize and manage any business or enterprise with considerable initiative, plan, strategy and risk.

Technically there are four grouping of entrepreneurs:

1. Network Marketers

This fearless group is comprised of individuals in traditional multi-level marketing, internet marketing, direct sales or internet marketing.

This group is currently participating in a business opportunity so they have already shown their ability to take risks and make investments in themselves.

These people do not live "in a box". They do not like corporate structure or limitations. They have the ability to visualize financial security and personal freedom. So why do so many in this group fail to succeed?

Unfortunately, this industry is plagued with old school beliefs, training and false messages about "overnight success".

It has been proven that when you take this type of person and give them the proper training and personal success coaching, it is very likely they will make a full time income in the network marketing industry. Many will go on to build massive wealth.

2. Small Business Owners

These individuals are the biggest risk takers. They typically borrow six figures in order to start their businesses and are often times in a "sink or swim" situation.

The owner of a small brick business will work long hours without pay for the first few months or years of their business. It is known that most small businesses fail.

Why is that? Poor planning, lack of capital, burn out, unreliable employees and changes in the economy are common reasons businesses fail. The good news is many who fail at one small business idea go on to succeed with another.

3. Straight Commission Sales People or Brokers

I consider these individuals "entrepreneurs" because they do not have a salary to depend on, and they are often responsible for their own self-motivation and inspiration. This group must be disciplined and organized in order to succeed.

Realtors, loan officers and insurance sales people are a few positions that represent this group; and many of these people have seen their sales sharply decline due to the unstable economy.

Even the sharpest professionals in this group have been forced to find alternative methods of income during this economic downturn, and many have turned to network marketing.

4. Employee

The final group is comprised of individuals with the resolve for change. These people might be trapped in a 9 – 5 hourly job, but they know it is not for them. They are searching for the right opportunity, and they are willing to learn.


If you identify yourself with any of the above groups, then you are clearly in a position to achieve financial security and personal freedom!

Defining your “limitations” is the first step toward overcoming them!

Identify your strengths and weaknesses first, and you can then create a business plan that will catapult you to success.

Thank you.



So what is “Entrepreneur”?

“Entrepreneur” comes from a French word. It refers to a person who has new ideas, ventures or business and is willing to be accountable for any risk involved in executing it and also responsible for its outcome.

So why do you need a “Mindset” in entrepreneur?

Mindset is usually defined as the disposition or mental attitude or inclination of a person towards something.

Entrepreneurship by itself is a mindset. To be a successful entrepreneur you need creative skills and an entrepreneur mindset.

So what is “Entrepreneur Mindset”?

“Entrepreneur Mindset” is the very thing that differentiates a business owner from a self-employed. It helps set up a business, have a steady growth, develop multiple businesses, and make the most of every opportunity that comes an entrepreneur's way.

It distinguishes the business owner's approach from employee approach to the world, innovative thinking from existing ideas, and what is best from what is good.

You can have a “Business Mindset” to run the business of your choice or be an entrepreneur and start a business. You have talent and skill to market and sell a product or service, work many hours, find prospects and establish a great job.

“Entrepreneur Mindset” will help you think out of the box, constantly create, or hunt for new opportunities. It helps you to extend your creative ideas to be valuable for others in the society.

So what it takes to become an “Entrepreneur”?

"Am I an entrepreneur?" Who is to say you are or you aren't, or that you will become or will not become an Entrepreneur at some point in your life.

It might be a common question, but it is the right or wrong one to ask yourself, because how you review the situation may lead you equally into action or inaction.

Entrepreneurship is not a "Yes" or "No" phenomenon it's not something you can buy or sell. It is also not a question of either "Yes, I'm an entrepreneur" or, "No, I'm not an entrepreneur."

Entrepreneurship is not genetic. It has nothing to do with your parent's ability or chromosomes. Neither is it an inherited trait that is handed down through observation of family members.

Entrepreneurs are not born; they seem to develop out of adversity, more than from affluence. They have great passion and make things happen because of their will to succeed through gained skills and knowledge that support this passion.

Notes: Yes it is topped with a bit of luck of being in the right place at the right time in some cases.

You can however learn and enhance the skills that make all entrepreneurs successful; the passion? Well we will leave that up to you!

So where do we begin?

Perhaps start by asking yourself the right question:

Ask: "How can I learn what I need to know, and improve my entrepreneurial skills to maximize my chances of succeeding?"

That's the right question because successful entrepreneurs learn to develop and strengthen their personal power skills. Don't give up on yourself before realizing that you can develop these skills.


Becoming a successful entrepreneur is within your grasp if you really want to make it happen. It all falls back to the passion you hold. Have "No or little passion" and you will procrastinate, develop self-doubt and in a short time you will fail.

Hold your passion and the boundaries to wealth creation are limited only by your own vision. Passion allows you to drive through, to endure and become creative, where others lacking the passion faultier.

Thank you.


How do you know if “Entrepreneur” is right for You?
  • Dayaks are poor
  • Dayaks lack of employment
  • Dayaks are mostly employees and/or government servants
  • Dayaks lack of business opportunity
  • Dayaks are underprivileged
  • Dayaks are underdeveloped
  • Dayaks are far behind in economics as compare to others
  • Dayaks lack of capital
  • Dayaks do not any listed company
  • Dayaks lack of corporate exposure
Dayaks are looking into business ownership as a means to supplement, or even replace their current or former incomes. Some Dayaks say that “with big funds” they can achieved success in business ownership. But how do you know if entrepreneurship is a good fit for you?

Before you quit your job (or even take on a part-time entrepreneurial enterprise), here's a short checklist that compares and contrasts the differences between being an employee and an entrepreneur.

Different Values

The term "entrepreneur" is derived from the French language and means "one who undertakes (some task)". Entrepreneurship is indeed an enormous undertaking.
Many of the qualities that make people great employees do not translate well into entrepreneurship, and vice versa.

Both employees and entrepreneurs want the same thing: financial stability. But employees and entrepreneurs have completely different values, and therefore, take different approaches to achieving financial stability. Identifying which group to align with is one of the very first tasks to accomplish.

Views on Failure

Many of us were raised to try and avoid mistakes, as their consequences can be dire and difficult to rebound from. As a result, many people fear failure, are risk averse, and will hesitate, or even neglect, to take necessary courses of action in their businesses.

An entrepreneur understands that it is impossible to avoid risk, and failure is sometimes a reality of doing business, but is never finite.

Entrepreneurs consider failure, but only as part of determining the most direct route towards an outcome, and should never be feared or avoided.


Most employees buy into the idea that each person should be judged and rewarded for their individual efforts. Consequently, many employees spend their time specializing in particular fields where they can be lauded as "the best" in that area.

Entrepreneurs believe in cooperation as a means of getting more done with fewer resources, and they leverage the individual talents of many towards a common goal.

Security versus Freedom

Many people that go into entrepreneurship do so as a means to seek the security they feel is lacking at their jobs. The problem with this mentality is that many business ventures require time, and sometimes major adjustments, before turning a profit, making security extremely illusive.

An entrepreneur goes into a venture to express a level of freedom that cannot be achieved as an employee.

Many entrepreneurs sacrifice their own personal security for the sake of creating a stable enterprise, refraining from taking money out of the business in the initial stages, which sometimes lasts for months, or even a few years.


Many people do better as employees because they prefer to be supervised. Employees prefer to leave the actual strategy and much of the big picture planning to the executives and supervisors.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs look for opportunities to improve old systems or create new ones. They are self motivated and require very little supervision.

Evaluating Opportunities

Employees tend to judge opportunities based primarily on cost in ringgits and cents. Employees prefer to trade their time for the predictability of a steady paycheck. Entrepreneurs evaluate opportunities based on value.

Entrepreneurs often leverage money to save time and other resources, or they trade their time for the prospect of learning a needed skill or building a business relationship.


Employees prefer to take responsibility for their own work or projects they are directly in-charge of. Many employees do not feel directly responsible for the success or well-being of the company they work for as a whole.

Entrepreneurs prefer that the company's success begin and end with them. They take responsibility for everything that happens, whether or not their direct actions are involved.


In closing, there is no right or wrong way to travel the road to financial stability. There are both pros and cons to each approach.

Making an honest assessment of yourself and your inclination towards one method or the other will save you a great deal of time, effort, frustration and expense. But as usual, don't just take my word for it...takes it for checking!

Business is not employment. Business is about development for more business. Your primary business is to generate as many profits as possible. Zero profit your business will kaput and close shop.

Thank you


My thoughts of the day

  • Can be counted on to be honest and trustworthy
  • Remain faithful and keep our word-making only promises that we can keep
  • Are dependable and consistent in our words and actions
  • Mean what we say and do not mislead with lies
  • Are motivated by love that is genuine
  • Can be our real selves and not be phony
  • Will not deceive others for our own selfish means
  • Do not flatter others to get our way
  • Do not take advantage of others’ ignorance or innocence
  • Have integrity and exemplify good morals

What can I do?

  • If I can’t help you, I help myself first.
  • If I can’t help the Dayak, I help myself first.
  • If I can’t help myself, I can’t help my own family.
  • If I can’t help myself, I can’t feed my ownself.

Being truthful and sincere to yourself can make you a better human being. Be true to yourself will set you free.

Thank you.


My thoughts of the day.

It all comes in your heart. If you’re sincere to yourself then there is nothing to fear in Life.

We all live once and do your level best to finish well in Life. You’re all my Dayak brothers/sisters and in Christ.

Again being true to yourself and others requires us to be our true-selves rather than manipulate others into believing we are someone we’re really not. Sincerity is most evident when we are honest and truthful with others.

No one likes to be lied to and/or deceived. Lies and deception destroy trust.

Betrayal of trust is probably the worst relationship pain we can experience. And we have seen too much of betrays and mistrust, and that have halt us from moving forward with success and prosperity.
  • Without trust, relationships do not have a strong and solid foundation upon which to be built.
  • Without trust we may question and doubt that we are truly loved.
  • Without trust we trust no one.
  • Without trust we lose our land and resources.
  • Without trust we lose our pride and courage.
  • Without trust we lose our rights and privileges.
  • Without trust we lose our territories and sovereignty.
  • Without trust we lose our brotherhood, esprit-de-coup, comradeship and unity.
  • Without trust we live poverty, distrait and landless.
  • Without trust we let others rule and divide us apart.
  • Without trust we blame and fire-up each other.
It is only when there is a real/genuine trust that we feel safe enough to open up our hearts to others and grow more sincere in our love, togetherness and in Unity.

Thank you.

05 September, 2011


Can Ibans build, strengthen and achieve Unity?

I have written this word “unity” many times herein this weblog and other blogs, and I wonder where I have overlooked it?

Today, I would rather mention “Ibans” here than using the word ‘Dayaks’ because they are the problems and this is where it all starts.

If Ibans cannot unite no other Dayaks can ever unite; simply because they are the majority in Dayak ethnic tribes. We can only use “Dayak” when all natives can unite in togetherness.

“Seagi-agi Batang Ai enda ulih besatup enggau Batang Hajang nyadi ‘Ai Hajang’ (pasang begulai – surut sejalai) seagi-agi nya meh bansa kitai Iban/Bansa Dayak enda ulih beserakup begulai sejalai ngering ka bansa diri.....”

When there is “TOGETHERNESS” there is likely to be;
  • more strength in opinion
  • more strength in action
  • more strength in power
  • more strength in command
  • more strength in character
  • more strength in economics
  • more strength in development
  • more strength in demanding
  • more strength in courage
  • more strength in productivity
  • more strength in almost every positive things
This is a very simple and obvious fact that, if one person tries his hands on some job, he will manage much less than what a group effort will achieve. This, in all simplicity what “BESERAKUP” is all about.

The path we have walked for decades is proving to be very unsettled, so is this a hint we need to embrace change and transform for betterment or what?

History repeats incessantly but still we retain the familiar unless some group or other initiates such a revolutionary effect that we cannot help but be swept along with the tide.

Why do we wait for such people, is it our fear of failure preventing us from advancing towards the horizons of our dreams?

UNITY is strength or what?
  • Unity will never happen if we struggle behind others
  • Unity is likely when we work as ‘islanders’ (not an island)
  • Unity is all about building relationship, compromise and mutual understanding.
  • Unity fail because it lack of “Ethnic Pride” with no clear identity
  • Unity comes when we understand that we need each other
  • Unity fail because people have low self-esteem and with conflict of personality
  • Unity is about “T.E.A.M.” (Together Everyone Act Mutually) to achieve success
  • Unity fail without a vision and “Future Picture”
Where Dayak civilization can improve?

You might ask where indigenous Dayak civilization can improve. The Dayak world is full of unhappiness, depression, misguided beings? Is it?

Those who feel oppressed are the same ones who try to destroy the path towards happiness; the path that will give them what they don’t want.

It requires nothing more then a sense of true awareness and belief in a loving God; not one who is portrayed as being unfair or vengeful. Life is all about acceptance and not separatism.

All people are from one unifying energy; We are the Borneons – we are the islanders – we are the world, but the world is who you are.

Why not take time to pray for the resurrection of the souls and minds of those who are misunderstanding the bounty of love, esprit-de-coup and the beauty of life?

Why are Native Dayaks not as prosperous or as united as other ethnic groups in Malaysia?

The candid answer is:

We are the only ethnic group in Malaysia who does not have linkage with its indigenous ancestors; thus, there is no linkage to our indigenous culture. Our indigenous culture is part of our nature. We are the nature – we are the ecological utopias!

In essence, we are not living according to our nature; therefore, we are dysfunctional as a people.

Living the “Malaysian Way of Life” or “Bolehland” without any true understanding of our own culture has been a major reason why we have not reached our true potential here in Malaysia.

With the above candid answer should make it easier, for Dayak scholars, teachers, community leaders as well as national leaders, to galvanize our people towards seeking the truth about our indigenous cultures, adats, traditions and spiritual philosophies.

Many prominent Dayak political leaders shy away from being called “Dayak” (while others also refer them as ‘Lakian’, ‘Bumiputra @son of land’, ‘Orang Ulu @rural people’, ‘Orang Utan @jungle people’, ‘Lain-lain @others’, ‘Sea Dayak @Dayak Laut and ‘Land Dayak @Dayak Darat’) and/or from speaking from a Dayak perspective for fear of alienating other ethnic groups.

This is extremely silly, because other ethnic groups could care less about what we think about them and how they stand united and prideful of their ethnicity; “Malays”, “Chinese”, “Indians”, “Baba Nyonya”, “Orang Asli”, etc.


I want to put it in a few words;

We are descendants of a great and mighty people; we need to stop looking at ourselves as minorities or as some helpless people who need others to help us. If you’re known as “Native” then you’re the first people of Borneo.

Thank you.


Let us assume this scenario happening in your constituency:

You’re living in Mukah/Balingian (where the majority is Melanau Muslims and the minority are Non-Muslims; Ibans and Chinese).

You’re a voter in Balingian (N51) which is a strong political based of our current Chief Minister.

You already know that the vast majority of the voters in your area are “Pro-Government” or “Pro-BN”.

You already know you’re a “little cico” in your area and you already know that you’re already on a loosing end. Technically – No chance of winning the election.

  • What would you do?
  • Whom would you vote?

“U Pikir-Pikir Lah Sendiri”

Thank you.


Politics is all about the "Blame Game"

In politics I presume there is no such thing like “Love thy neighbour as thyself” but “Love thy voters to win thy election”.

However, in philanthropic/holistic mission, it is appropriate for you to apply “Love thy neighbour as thyself”.

But Politics is no charitable platform; it’s all about power, portfolio, command-control and divide, authority, policing, self-interest, party interest and capitalist interest (do come first).

Any party who took over the government still has to tax the peoples (tax payer money) to run their ministration and channel the money (budget) for relevant state/national development plan(s).

How fair these politicians are, only God knows. We can only predict and/or make certain assumption that they will honor their “election fiesta promises”.

But how many “party manifestos” are truly implemented after each election, we all have seen it; whether it is in Pro-Opposition areas/states and/or Pro-Government areas/states.

What? Are you sure? Politics is all about “Blame Game”.

So, how do we respond to an event of this magnitude? Politicians blame other politicians. Poor people blame the rich. Some people want the government to put a band-aid on everything and make it all better.

All of that is a waste of time. It doesn’t solve anything. And, it doesn’t help or change your personal circumstances.

I’m sure we could all look back on our past and remember incidents in our lives where we were injured or treated unfairly.

Trying to figure out who is to blame will solve nothing. Being upset and angry is a waste of your precious time and energy.

Allowing yourself to become full of fear will not help you to get to a personal solution.

What to do next??
  • First, stop and take breath. You are still breathing – You are indeed alive!
  • You’re the main problem – You’re the solution provider!
Don’t let others used you. Use your knowledge, strength, initiative and capacity/capability to empower yourself and/or enhance your personal needs and wants first (personal economy).

Don’t allow yourself to emotionally react without thinking. Next, stop dwelling on what you have lost or may loose or unfortunate circumstances.

Instead, look at what you have and be thankful. Thank God every day for everything that you have!

What important next is, just prioritize and focus on your personal and family life first and always. Personal Needs First, Personal Development A Priority!

Then, ask God to help you with your personal situations. Look to Him for guidance and direction. Could there ever be a time when the situation would be so bad that God could not help? If there is, then you need to get another God!

Finally, manage your life, your affairs and your family with wisdom and discretion. I did not say, “With fear”. Acting out of fear will only bring negative results into your life.

Think things through and make the best decisions that you can. If you need financial counsel, then get it.

Above all, put your trust and confidence in God as your Supplier! No, it doesn’t mean that you just put your head in the sand and act like nothing is going on.

It doesn’t mean that we do nothing and think, “Well, God’s just got to do something”. No....We trust God for His help, but we take action without fear, moving ahead one step at a time.

It is easy to sing praises unto God when everything is going just fine. It’s easy to say that we love God and that He is so wonderful when there is no pressure. But when you are up against the wall, you will find out if you really believe that He is really real!

I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that our God is both able and willing to help, regardless of the “negative circumstances” or being poor or underprivileged or oversight for that matter. Do whatever you need to do to get convinced of that!

Refuse to react. Refuse to be motivated by fear. Instead, respond with trust in our delivering and powerful God, Who loves you unconditionally! God is still on the throne!

This I learn each time I reach-up to God.

Thanks be to God!

04 September, 2011


Are you born poor?
  • Does born a Dayak doom you to discrimination and marginalization?
  • Does poverty doom you to failure?
  • Does being “rural people” doom you to become undereducated, underserved, underprivileged and underdeveloped?
If you grew up poor, like I did, you may have taken on beliefs that are limiting. You may feel that you are lacking in some way, or that there are not enough of the things that you need. While that may have been true in the past, it doesn't need to define who you are now.

Many of the world's greatest leaders, teachers, business people and healers once led lives of poverty or faced enormous challenges, yet they overcame all of them to achieve goals beyond what anyone expected of them. You can, too.

While this would come as a surprise to many people who know me now, I grew up poor in the heartland of the richest state in Malaysia. Our family moved more than 5 times before I was 11 years old; during those years we had weeks on end where all we had to eat was rice and “kicap”, and we were grateful to have that.

I wore hand-me-down clothing, torn recycle shoes, rubber-bend as pencil eraser, home cook food, home coffee bottle until the secondary school years.

My little story: During Form 3 break, I worked as an ‘underage fisherman’ at Sungei Merah, Sibu boating in the sea for 2 weeks with monthly pay of RM140.00 and some extra catch to bring back home to feed my little brothers. At Form 5 break, I work as a daily paid laborer; RM4.50 per day in a small housing construction company earning extra income for my family. Other - helping my parent farming at our little farm at Sg. Aup, Sibu; planting and harvest paddy.

I endured the ridicule of my peers, and the shame that lack brings. Needless to say, those years were extremely challenging and sickening. Life those days isn’t easy like “KFC”, “MacDonald”, “Kenny Rogers”, "Fish & Chips" lifestyle, etc today.

Nevertheless, I was a little smart and did well in school. I became determined that one day I would live as I chose. As I was maturing, I kept my eye always on the life I one day wanted to lead, regardless of where I might be along the way towards it.

Now I live a life I could never have dreamed possible as a youngster. So have others whose beginnings were humble or even more challenging.

You do not have to be "born with a silver spoon in your mouth" to become wildly successful. You just need a few ingredients that are available to anyone:
  • Clear vision about what you want. Make it shine and sing!
  • Determination. Never give up.
  • Objectivity. Get a new perspective; look from a different angle; try stuff out.
  • Get over your fear of failure. Use everything that happens as a way to improve.
  • Have complete faith in your own ability to transcend each and every "obstacle" that appears; there are solutions for all of them. Your job is to discover and use them.
Your beginnings do not determine your endings; that is within your power and obligation to perfect. Take steps right now to make your life exactly the way you want it.

Thank you.


It’s Sunday, I guess it is appropriate to talk about God a little bit....

I thought “DayakBaru” has a Big Dream??

There are dreamers and doers in life. You have to understand that God has given you a gift for what you do in life. He has given you a dream to have it fulfilled.

However, many people take advantage of that dream because they do not know how to fulfill it in their lives. We can all dream about something unique and powerful. However, we have to do something in order to make it a reality.

Some people just sit down and pray for what they want. It is important to ask the Lord for what you need so that he can give it to you in the right time and hour.

When you think about life, you must ask yourself if you are prepared to accept whatever your dream is. The outcome may not always be what you expect it to be.

You may dream about becoming a world famous politician or superior than Dr. John Brian, but in reality you’re just a political followers struggling behind others.

No matter what is happening in your life, you must accept it for what it is today. Right now should be your focus.

The problem with most dreamers is that they are not using their psychic intuition enough. They are thinking about what they want instead of what they are experiencing in the now. In order to have success, you must be real.

Think about your now and have a solid personal development plan or business plan if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. Think about what you want and then go for it.

This can be in fame, political career, money or business. It is you that is the core problem and not because you are poor or not macho/beautiful enough or undereducated or underprivileged.
  • Chinese are not even “bumiputra” but why are they so successful in many trades?
  • They don’t even have any land but how come today?
  • How have they achieved that?
  • By luck? By silver spoon? By favoritism?
We are living in a day in age where thousands of successful people have said that they were poor and now have become wealthy because of the law of success that they have had on their lives.

Many people that have had horrible love lives will tell you that they also have experienced a horrible loss in love and have now decided to be obedient to their inner voice that lives inside of them. They listened to that voice that said, “Go for it. You can do it”.

Whatever your goal is in Life, you can do it. You can become anything that you want to be in life for the right reasons. Learning how to be obedient to God is the surest way of learning more about yourself in new ways.

We must learn to listen to the “now” in order to get to the next level. Gets real people!

Thank you.


A Public Policy Process Analysis:

The question why majority of the Dayaks (all ethnics and religions) are poor could be a puzzling one and would raise another sets of questions, such as how could one say that they are poor or what does being poor really mean?

For the past few years, economic indicators have been telling a different story than what majority of the Dayaks truly feel. Hence, to answer the question, it is crucial that we define what poor really means and answer the question, if Dayaks are truly poor.

In welfare states, being poor is relative. It is relative in the sense that when others afford some things luxurious or the likes, but they themselves could not, then they could consider themselves as poor. On the other hand, in most developing countries being poor also means not even meeting the expense of basic necessities such as food, clothes, shelter and security.

In Sarawak, we could see informal “setinggan settlers” bristling at the back of every urban development, we are already seeing new colony of “orang ai with their floating homes, in the Bakun hydro-electric dam, and we are most likely undisturbed by rallies for whatever reasons they are fighting for. For this purpose, I will use the latter definition of poor.

There are a lot of ways to answer why majority of the Dayaks are poor despite the economic indicators that our economy is on the rise. Economists, sociologists and even political majors have their own perspective regarding this issue.

But to answer it based on a public policy model offers a more relevant (since it is public policies that lies the alleviation of such problems) and extensive (since it uses the other three perspectives) approach to this query. I will use Rushefsky's model to identify the problems on how it is being adapted in Malaysia/Sarawak setting and therefore leads to the abnegation of the poor.

During the First Stage which is the problem identification, problems already exist. To declare that there is really a policy problem that the Government must address, it must be articulated and clearly identified.

In this stage, problems of asymmetry in information occur. In such a way that the government may recognize the problem not in the same manner as the public (or affected parties) does. This is observed among our farmers who do not own the lands that they till.

The Government may only see the problem as farmers not having lands, but they never truly see beyond- the problems of capital, maintenance, natural calamities and other factors that the farmers endure.

The Second Stage, agenda building, is also open to another set of problems such as manipulation of parties that maybe affected on its implementation. In Heywood's (2002) Politics, he described agenda-setting as a face of power.

In our state, where some of the lawmakers are business tycoons themselves or related to a certain business mogul, then the process in agenda formation will be (one way or another, since public policy process is inevitably political) tainted with attempts to protect some parties.

Due to this fact, that the agenda formulated by the government does not reflect the true predicament of the people. The manipulation or influence of other parties (specifically the private interests) to distort the true agenda has long been observed in the agenda building process in our country.

"...it is the ability to prevent decisions being made: that is, in effect, 'non-decision-making'. This involves the ability to set or control the political agenda, thereby preventing issues or proposals from being aired in the first place..."(Ibid)

Another thing is the question of what the people wants and what the government thinks it should be. There are cases, wherein the public may not have the rational decision, hence, the government intervenes and do what they think is better for them.

Hence, agenda formation may include those that the government thinks problematic but the public thinks otherwise. This dilemma is a great factor why majority of the Dayaks are poor. Not because they don't think rationally, but because the government may formulate an agenda that is intended for poverty alleviation, but the public refuse to participate otherwise.

The succeeding stages, which includes policy formulation and policy adoption is also prone to be influenced by political power. Such thing happens when power takes its form as thought control. During policy formulation, the personalities that develop the policy, plan or project to remedy a certain problem might be controlled by outside parties, in some cases, without them knowing about it.

Thought control, as Heywood puts it, is the third face of power where the outside party has the ability to influence another by shaping what he or she thinks, wants, or needs. This is done through private entities' manipulation of data and other ways to come up with a sound rationale to taint one's decisions but still allowing them to think that their decisions are in favor of the general good.

The next stage is budgeting. In this stage, more anomalies could again happen. Goods could be overpriced, grace monies were handed out and other things including subsidies and appropriate grants that were kept off the record take place.

No matter how stringent the rules may be, some people always find a way to get something to put in their own pockets. It is mainly due to this fact that Dayaks only gets substandard high-priced services. This goes down even to the smallest unit of government.

Example: In some of my research fieldwork encounter, I have come across a certain municipality, where a town has a budget of RM3 millions for the renovation of a public school comfort room. This astounding allocation for the said project is preposterous. In the same municipality however, a certain nearby town, only asked for a RM300K project to 'build' (not renovate) their public school's comfort rooms. To top this outrageous scenario off, both budgets where approved. It is therefore apparent that there are some irregularities in town A than in town B. But the municipality just tolerates it.

The implementation and evaluation stages of public policies are more problematic than the rest of the stages. The budget allocated for a certain project is not guaranteed to trickle down to those who carry out the project itself. Usually, the budget at this stage becomes so small that they could not implement the project properly.

It is because of the hierarchical nature of bureaucracies itself that this dilemma happens. At every stage, someone sets aside something for themselves, until what is left for the Dayaks are left-overs. Consider the fertilizer scam, the over-priced infrastructures and other substandard services which could not reach the remote areas where it is needed most.


Lastly, the cycle goes back again to the policy makers themselves, when they have to decide and reflect if a policy should be changed, amended or terminated. Once again, the faces of political power impinged this phase. Manipulation, agenda-setting and/or thought control will spoil the decisions being made.

In a nutshell, no matter how rational the public policy process seems to be, it is still political in such a way that political negotiations were made in each stage of the policy process. It is due to this fact that majority of the Dayaks are poor. So much politics gets in the way of delivering the right services to the public.

Hence, no matter what the statistics may say, case is always on the macro economic level, where the benefits of which do not trickle down to the micro economic level. Business moguls like land owners become richer, while the poor become poorer.

In my opinion, the State will never be on a better state when only the rich benefited. In this case then, that there is a need to redefine poor and adapt ‘Rawlsianism’, where economic progress is measured when the poorest of the poor were in a better state than they were before. Our current government truly needs political correctness and transformation.

Sincere opinion and thank you.


Native Students in political process analysis:

I presume you like this write-up....and let me add for the sake of sharing opinions with readers herein this weblog.

Like I always said much earlier in this weblog, politics is not my profession; “randau politik aja”. Other than pursuing personal development, education and economics, one of the other important elements for the Dayak community growth/sustainability is “politics”.

In my personal intelligence gathering; nowadays it is very common to find Dayak students actively involving themselves in politics. What a surprise?
  • Is this political conscious?
  • Is this new political trends?
  • Is this a realization of backwardness, poverty and/or marginalization?
  • Is this a new hope?
Many Dayak students including our youths have even pledged allegiance to different political parties. What are the short-term implications and long-term effects of this participation in politics by our youths/students? Or this the new beginning of political advancement of the Dayak 7th generations?

A primary distinction must be made here between politics as active participation in political movements and the study of political science. The latter is an academic subject and involves the study of the administrative systems of different countries, the formation of political parties, different judiciary systems, etc.

Political science, therefore, is a theoretical study of political systems. Politics means the formation of political parties and their active participation in the administration of a country. This involves organizing political meetings, canvassing for elections and the manipulation of people for political gains.

The participation of our students in politics has certain drawbacks. The main occupation of students should be the pursuit of their respective gatherings and/or outdoors (dialogue/seminar/randau ruai/conference/courses) of research and study.

All their time and energy should also be used in this activity; the knowledge to lead a nation and our community in the forefront.

Questions for thoughts:
  • Why are Dayaks categorized by others as “Lakian” or “Lain-lain” or “2nd Class Bumiputras” or “4th Class Citizens” or “Natives” or “Sea Dayaks” or “Land Dayaks” or “Orang Ulu” (rural peoples)?
  • Why Dayaks are leftovers in geo-politics, economics and industrial development?
  • Why are Dayaks backward in science, technology and high-techs development?
  • Why are Dayaks undereducated, underserved, underprivileged and underdeveloped?
  • Why Dayak lacks in E5 (Education, Economics, Equity, Equality & Employment)?
It is only in this way that they can secure their own individual futures and thereby safeguard the future of the nation. Participation in politics means a huge waste of this precious time and energy.

Although politics may be beneficial in some ways students would be well-advised to stay well away from politics. Their main business is to concern themselves with personal development and/or education or studies.
  • By doing so, they can do the most good for themselves with studies.
  • By doing so, they can do the most good for themselves, our community sustainability as well as for the nation.
Lastly, we truly need "Check and Balance" in developing our State and Nation altogether. Thank you.

Hallelujah and happy Sabbath Day!

02 September, 2011


People tend to think of an attitude as being simply positive or negative. However, there are infinite possibilities such as; warm, friendly, confident, determined, unstoppable, silly, playful, easy-going, outrageous, peaceful, open-minded, compassionate, optimistic, and all of their negative counterparts.

You can ultimately become very creative and experiment with different attitudes for different situations, which will lead you to being more powerful and effective.

Here’s the problem..... We often think it’s hard or impossible to change our attitudes, so we don’t try. The truth is that it’s easy to change your attitude, if you know how.

Another big problem is that we tend to think our attitude is born of the situation. We think our attitude is the right attitude for the way things are. Therefore, our attitude goes unexamined and unquestioned.

Almost everybody is guilty of this; however, our attitude is completely optional and flexible. It is possible to have any attitude in any situation, and there are no ultimate “right” attitudes for particular situations.

We also tend to think of our attitudes as part of our identities. We think, “It’s just the way I am”.

We tend to think of our personalities as static things. In fact, when faced with a new challenge or situation, we make split second decisions about how to respond, and what attitude to adopt, based on our idea of “Who we think We are”.

In this way, we perpetually re-create our attitudes, whether they are negative and disempowering or positive and self-empowering. While our personalities, and the attitudes that go with them, may appear to be somewhat static, they only appear that way because we keep making the same choices (often unconsciously) over and over again, moment to moment. The truth is that you can change “who you’re being”, and you can change your attitude, at any moment.


If you can’t change attitude of those who have benefited from BN (the current majority – the government stakeholders) then how would you be able to swing their votes to PR?

Chances you will still remain stagnant (maintain status quo) and accept “lost” even before the battle begin. So why bother campaigning for PR?

If you can’t change the majority but you have managed to change one or some then it is already consider effective and a success. There’s no perfect human after all.

If you’ve tried your level best to convert (change) them but failed it is not your fault. But what more important here is, you must be able to convert yourself first.

If you can’t Change yourself then how would you be able to change the world?

Positive thinkers are also positive leaders who believe in themselves and others.

• They are not negative and do not have pessimistic views.
• They are people who work hard and get things done.
• They take on new “initiatives” and/or “objectives” even when they are busy.
• They know they can accomplish good things.
• They are people with a positive mental attitude.

If things are not going well in your life, perhaps you need a change of attitude. It is not always easy to change your attitude if life has been handing you lemons, but it is possible to make lemonade. Make it sweet and tasty. It is difficult to keep positive if difficulties and hardships abound in your life.

But a “Change in Attitude” may be what is necessary to bring about the desired changes for happiness to return or to enter your life.

Everyone wants to be happy, everybody wants stability and growth, and an attitude change may be required for it.

Change your attitude and you automatically change:
  • your perspective
  • the way you interpret things
  • the decisions you make
  • the actions you take
  • the results you get
Ask yourself this question. If you were 10 times wiser, 10 times healthier and 10 times richer, do you think you would be more valuable to your family, friends and society?

Of course, YES! You can only do more, if you be more. You cannot feed the Hungry if you yourself are Hungry. You cannot help others if you yourself do not any strength and/or solution. That’s the way life works. Don’t go looking to correct others when you yourself are faulty.

In Matthew 7.5 Jesus Christ mentions, “First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

And how does one take care of himself first? Through personal-development; you have to increase your knowledge, absorb the knowledge, learn the knowledge, apply the knowledge in your life and finally, teach others. That’s how you increase your value to the society.

We can change the world, one person, and one vision at the time, starting with each of us. As we shift our awareness of what and how we are creating we form a more enjoyable reality for ourselves and for others to interact with us in.

Our choice is simple, it’s even easy. We need only to change ourselves and everything else changes too.

Lastly, if we can forgive others God has promised, “Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more” (Doctrine and Covenants 58:42).

Thank you.

01 September, 2011


  • Who is Coward?
  • Who want to be a Coward?
  • Does tactical withdrawal mean Coward?
  • Does retiring DB (Dayak Blogger) mean Coward?
  • Does changing platform mean Coward?
  • Does Non-Dayak Blogger mean Coward?
  • Does changing career mean Coward?
  • Does having different belief and/or religion mean Coward?
  • Does working and/or walking in a different angle or direction mean Coward?
  • Do anti-party and/or anti-ideology mean Coward?
  • Who is Hero?
  • How many of us are Heroes?
  • Are Hero made or born?
  • Who want to be a Hero?
I believe NO one wants to be a coward, so if we know what it takes to be a coward, perhaps we can avoid becoming one. I presume everyone wants to be a hero, so what it takes to become a hero? Remember, there’re many forms of “heroes”, “great lovers” are heroes too....Ooop!

Before you pointing finger on others who may have different mission, priority and/or goal than you, or your fate for the state you are in today, try to have a better look inside you.

There are many sets of priorities, many sets of dreams, many sets of agendas and many sets of objectives, and it all have different sets of model and/or approaches.
  • Some prefer direct political confrontation
  • Some prefer “Sun Tzu” strategy
  • Some prefer “Blitzkrieg” approach
  • Some prefer "Guerrilla" tactics
  • Some prefer strategic partnership
  • Some used deception and mole techniques
  • Some prefer Element of Surprise
  • Some prefer “SMART” (Strategic Maneuvering & Alliance Relationship Tactics; tactical competitive advantage and the role of prediction and control which aims for a synergy where each partner hopes that the benefits from the alliance gain greater success impact)
  • Some may prefer to use Competitive Intelligence, and so on.
Know your priorities; know your strengths and weaknesses, your sense of happiness; learn to realize the situation when you are at the threshold of a wonderful opportunity. If you do not do this, by blaming others or your fate for your failures or discomfort, later when everything has become dead past, is cowardice.

The sense of happiness could be quite different between you and others. The earlier you recognize it, the better. Else you become a chronic coward blaming others for your fate for which you are the only person responsible in this entire universe!

To get real, all we need to do is look at ourselves; what we are doing now and how we were acting yesterday and what we want to achieve tomorrows. This is where we should learn. This is where “self-awareness” comes.

Self-awareness allows you to be aware of your emotions and attitude.
  • Creative attitude leads to Innovative attitude.
  • Positive attitude is the result of Proactive attitude.
  • Proactive attitude leads to Progressive attitude.
  • Progressive attitude results in Productive attitude.
  • Productive attitude produce result orientated individual.
Misconceptions or perceptions in thought process, actions and attitude should be identified and accepted. Many could not correct their mistakes and always blame others and for whatever.

Blaming others is the first step to failure. Is blaming others an act of hiding oneself weakness and/or wicked agenda or fear of failure? Your guess...

Try to develop and enhance your intellectual thinking, control wavering mind and result oriented productive thinking. Learning to respect others and understand others will give you right kind of attitude.

NOTES: Attitude begins at home too. Parents and family members influence the thinking of individual. Parents always have to take care while influencing their kids and molding their thought process. This will help their kids develop right kind of thinking. Same goes to leadership; lead by example. Good leaders motivate and inspire their grassroots on positive awareness.

Encouragement, praise, discipline will boost moral values and help develop progressive attitude. Sarcasm, criticism for the sake of criticism, finding faults, abusing, beating, shouting, insulting, making a mockery in front of others will develop destructive thoughts.

Environment, be it at home or workplace and/or herein this weblog should be healthy, cool, creative, interactive, personating, fruitful thinking and action oriented.
Good communication, good rapport, mutual respect, cooperation, unity will develop progressive thoughts. People must be ideal for their own future and others with their actions and not just words.

If you do not learn to control and channelize your attitude, you may not be able to mingle with people and become a good team player or even team leader.

A committed leader is leader of principle; “froggie leadership” usually lack of self-esteem and principles, frustrated person, and mostly self-interest.

But if our attitude is to jump for one place to another, we produce “jumpers”! Thus would indirectly reflecting our “weaknesses”, “lack of moral value”, “insecurity”, “irresponsible”, “unaccountable” and other negative attitudes.

“Reactive Attitude” will make you ineffective in any forum and/or the workplace or whatever grouping, whereas “Proactive Attitude” will make you leader among your teammates/followers. This will help you achieve your loyalty, productivity and creditability, which will enhance your productive attitude.


ATTITUDE is everything in your professional life as well as personal life to scale pinnacle of success.

If our attitude is aimed to uplift Dayaks’ sustainability that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs development then “Change Proactive Attitude”.

Creating positive, progressive and productive awareness for others is a superb attitude, allows others understanding their environments.


How about talking “politik ngadu ka pengidup sereta pemansang rayat”?

If our attitude is to focus on promoting “New Economics Development Policy For Natives” (to ensure the economic, social and cultural wellbeing, and equity of the Natives, their enjoyment of the fruits of sustainable development and their full and free participation in all aspects of society) then we should focus on identifying the needy key effective and sustainability areas and platforms for all Natives @Dayaks.

So what are the “DCC Resolution and/or Working Documents on Natives within the Framework of the Development Cooperation of DAP Exco and DCC Members”, which provides the main guidelines for support to the Native peoples (of all ethnics including Non-Muslim and Muslim Natives)?
  • Does “DayakBaru.com” promote open policy or exclusive/close door?
  • Are all DB-bloggers members of “Pro-Oppositionist” that they are known as “DBs”?
  • Does “DayakBaru” means for new Native Dayak Thinkers or Dayak Pro-Opposition Thinkers?
  • Does “DayakBaru” simply mean “New Dayak”?
  • Does “New Dayak” representing new generation Dayaks with “Oppositionist Mentality” or “Pro-Dayak” @Dayakism or liberal?
Thank you.