04 October, 2011


This is what I want to add-on “The Opportunist”
  • Enti enda diatu, Kemaya?
  • Enti ukai kitai, Sapa?
  • Enti ukai nuan, Aku?
  • Enti ukai aku, Nuan?
  • Enti ukai sida, Kitai?
  • Enti ukai kitai, Sida?
  • Enti ukai DB, Sapa? So on....
So who is who wanting to take advantage over the other?

Now do think you’re “self-centered” or “opportunist” or “self-centered opportunist”?
Does taking opportunity equivalent to playing soccer? You don’t score goal, they will! Unless you take your opportunity….

Do you believe that you’re self-centered because you’re an opportunist?

Or are you reading this to reassure yourself that you’re not? Because we all know that being self-centered is bad, right?

Not that we’ve established exactly what we think the term means. Maybe we don’t even share the same definition.

In my personal opinion, “Opportunist” is different from “self-center people”; they know how to identify, invent, undertake and develop opportunity.

“Self-center people” are more like “Self-obsessed people” only measure the world in “me”, “I” and “mine” (nobody else but me).

They think that they have achieved some knowledge of the world and spirituality, but they act like a selfish-child.

Children only know “I”, “me” and “mine”, because they are children. But are a child or a mature adult?

Guess “Self-obsessed people” still live within their ‘box’ while “Opportunist” can see beyond the horizon….

Another, when someone feels “creepy” they welcomes fear. Do you feel creepy when seeing a spider or centipedes or crocodile or snake?

A person who is fearful has a low self esteem character and tend to be extremely self-obsessed; they spend most of their time thinking about themselves and forget to look around and really notice the people around them or the world surrounding them.

Clock s ticking every bit of a micro-second and that's opportunity!
  • Don’t you want to score and achieved your goal?
  • Don’t you want to be rich or remain poor?
  • Don’t you want to see development or remain rural and underserved?
  • Don’t you want to win or maintain status quo or choose to lose?
  • Don’t you want get out of the box or remain in the box?
  • Don’t you want to be at par with others or remain where you are now?
Don’t you want to take opportunity and take advantage of the opportunity?

Maybe Dayak (particularly the Ibans) are not “Community Opportunity Minded People” not like the Chinese, the Malays, the Indians and other minority ethnics (like the Melanaus, the Singh, etc) of Malaysia. Thus, allowing others to take advantage on them.

These could be what others maybe thinking to take opportunity and advantage on the Dayak Ibans:

“Maybe it easy to going fishing at a pond where you can find fish concentrated in one place, and in a worse case scenario you just poisons the pond or drains the water out of the pond and let the fish lifeless.....before you can catch it”

“Maybe it easy to extract timbers and other mineral resources from the Ibans’ territories (native lands) and in a worse case scenario just build a “big project” or “dam” or “infrastructures” to resettle the Ibans to a designated areas or leave them landless.....before you can extract their timber and other resources”

But have Ibans ever think of taking opportunity to develop their own land or others to uplift their living standard? Or awaiting others to change them? How would you see “others” taking opportunity on you and your weaknesses and/or your fragility?

Have the Ibans take any opportunity to pool their expertise together to create win-win or win-win and win situations to become self-determination? Or they choose to remain “self-obsessed people”?

Lu pikr-pikir la sendiri…..

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