03 August, 2011


I support Dr Dusit Jaul’s decision in moving the SDGA forward objectively to achieve their Vision, Mission, Objectives and Goals.

If one chooses to remain 'status quo', they will remain stagnant, dying, hunger, underserved, underdeveloped and underprivileged.

Scenario I:

During the ethnic conflicts, our forefathers were re-known "headhunters" fought fiercely against each rival tribes and ethnic clans (dead and wounded, beheaded and murdered, and almost lawless) and several years later they signed a peace treaty building this state and defending/protecting it against foreign enemies including the Japanese during WW II.

Scenario II:

Yesterday our Iban Trackers and Sarawak Rangers (brave warriors) were employed and deployed to protect this homeland and Malaya against "Communist Insurgency" and many years later the "Communist" (mostly Chinese) laid down their weapons and surrendered. And now they worked together as friends (employees and employers, leader and subordinates, businessmen and clients) to build this state and nation forward progressively to become a developed country one day.

Scenario III:

Same goes to “Dayak politics”, they fight the government, they join the government, they work with the government and they become the government. And from within they make policies to help their own peoples and/or constituencies.

Scenario IV:

In business and/or development perspectives and other routines, some are against certain ‘government policy(s)’ and some seek government assistance (licenses, subsidies, budgets, permits, policing, education, medical health, welfare, etc) to protect, defend and improve their lives and well being.

  • If you can’t change, transformation is a choice.
  • If you can’t fight, cooperation is a choice.
  • If you can’t compete, strategic partnership is a choice.
  • If you can’t challenge them, compromise is a choice.
  • If you can’t lock them into confrontation, mutual relationship is a choice.
  • If you can’t win, peace is a choice.
  • If you can’t get rich, live moderately is a choice.
  • If you can’t lead, delegation or follower is a choice.
  • If you can’t protect/defend yourself or others, surrender to God is a choice.
  • If you can’t live, dead is a choice.
As leaders some time a decision is hard to swallow. A responsible leader captained his ship to reach their destination safely and successfully.

A decision maybe sickening to execute but what important is that everyone and/or the majority is safe from unforeseen circumstances. That's leadership responsibility. Move on forward!

Many of us work very hard from early morning until late evening every day. We strive hard because we want to achieve great success.

However, no matter how much effort we put in, we don't see any obvious progress or result. When we look at our colleagues or friends or others, they work in a relaxing manner but they obtain better results than us.
  • Is it really fair?
  • Are you facing the same problem currently?
  • Are you repeating the same negative growth model?
  • Are you upset and so upset that others have move forward progressively and you are still you?
  • Have you missed the bus of progression and prosperity?
  • Are you what you are and not what you are supposed to be?
  • Have you oversight and miscalculate your strategy?
  • Are you born in the opposite direction?
  • Do you have a choice to work your future from within and not confronting your obstacles?
  • Have you analyzed your obstacles yet?
You must be upset, sorrow, saddened, depressed, stressed and angrier. Let me just share with you some of my personal thoughts herein.

Seriously speaking, in whatever work you are doing, there are FIVE (5) questions you should always keep-in-mind:

1. What is the mission?
2. What is the objective? Or goal?
3. What results do you want to get out of this?
4. What are your sustainability strategies; short-term plan, your medium-term plan and your long-term plan?
5. Why others live successfully and “I am not”; what is your personal SWOT?

Others have propel, prosper, enrich and successful because they are “SMART”. Struggling hard and working hard are good but working “SMART” is a better choice!

“SMART” turns mission, objective, goals and tasks into concrete deliverables. A “SMART” person knows how to create many possibilities because each possibility produces opportunity.

One possibility strike, the opportunity belongs to him/her. Many possibilities strike, he/she will be among the most successful people or at par with others who have success before him/her.

“SMART” leader would never leave his/her followers behind and/or organization dying but lay as many possibilities and/or creativity as possible for ‘them’ to achieve success altogether.

“If Plan A failed, they go for Plan B, if Plan B failed, they go for other plans until they achieved and secured their specific mission, objective, goal and reality. That way, they will always remains “SMART”!

To be “SMART”, we need to take another look at the way we do things; get out of the old box. Please keep in mind that nothing remains static for long.

For instance, the politics, the environment, the economy, the people and even the mission of an organization will change any time. We should always test new ideas and take up new challenges.

When you have new ideas, you need to make sure that the ideas are creative while remaining purposeful. Being creative is important as it helps to bring out the best in you and will set you apart from the rest.

Not just change, we need to transform. We need to have positive attitude. Having negative and defensive mood will not bring you anywhere. In order to move further and/or beyond, you are advised to be open-minded.

People who are willing to accept constructive comments and feedback are able to improve faster. Being efficient is not enough. The way to success in our career or whatever lies in effectiveness.

Hence, we need to transform the way we work in order to achieve the best results. If you don't have any idea, you are encouraged to create possibilities and/or look for opportunities.

Don't just keep quiet, stagnant, undecided and do the same things. If there is no road and/or direction, create one and/or many.

Notes: If you cannot fight the “government”, then work with the government from within to achieve your mission, objective and goals; for you, your family, your teammates, organization and your peoples. You can become a policymaker from within too.

Obstacles are every seconds, every day, everywhere and every now and then, regardless you are in the government or pro-government and/or as pro-opposition. On earth, we compete to survive. That is what life all about. There is no perfect world on earth only in heaven.

In my personal opinion, doing the right decision and/or job will help you to have less stress. If you choose to take the smart choice, you will be among the smart people. Be smart, work smart and success smartly!

My apology, it is just my personal opinion.

Thank you.

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