16 September, 2011


Thought of the day....
  • Many people wonder how many people become poor without money, higher education or capital.
  • Many people wonder how many people become very rich without money, higher education or capital.
  • Many people wonder how many people become successful without money, higher education or capital.
This world is full of people who are born poor, and since they face lack of education and capital, they believe they cannot get a good job or start their own business or whatever.

They assume that since they lack capital, they will not make any progress by trying, so they simply leave success to destiny and wait for an opportunity to come their way.

Yet these same people wonder how some of the famous self-made millionaires or billionaires created million/billion Ringgit Empires out of nothing.

Like you, others ask how these people managed to find start up capital for starting their business, and how they succeeded without higher education. In fact, they managed to generate millions or billions and create a big empire and/or legacy.

The secret lies in developing some creative and innovative skills.

We wondered these same things so we studied the lives of these self-made millionaires or billionaires who started with small capital or even with nothing or even mortgaged a home and sank savings to start a company and/or acquire a company.

Let me tell you what surprised me: the secret lies in our own mind.

God gave each of us a brain and different gifts; we all have the power in our mind in the form of ideas that can be developed with careful planning, training and exercise.

The people who decide to develop their skills and ideas become like Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes (AirAsia), Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr Jeffrey Cheah (Sunway Group), Tan Sri Dato Kuok (Kerry Group), and Tan Sri Dato Seri (Dr.) Lim Goh Tong (Genting Group), and others like Bill Gates (Microsoft). Other people remain poor. There are no excuses for the lack of success.

Learn from their hardships.....nothing is truly easy....no money fall from the sky without struggle, sacrifices, taking risk, big dream, creativity and innovation.

You can do more than get ahead if you develop your skills and apply them to create new services or products and create your own wealth.

What advantages do innovative skills offer you?

You can reap these advantages by developing your own creative and innovative skills:
  • You can start a business without any capital and turn it into a money making machine.
  • You may start your business with little capital and create a business empire worth millions.
  • You may start a business from home and turn it into a business empire.
  • You might make millions by selling your abilities without any investments.
  • You may turn your side or creative jobs into billions.
  • You can generate million ringgit money making ideas.
  • You may multiply or double the profits of an existing small business many times over.
  • You can create your own opportunities in any business instead of waiting for them.
  • You can easily get a high paying job by developing skills.
  • You may attract investments of millions for your profitable business projects.
  • You can make millions with others ideas, products and money when you have the right idea.
  • You can turn an ordinary product into many times of its value.
  • In some of the businesses, you can even earn more than 3000% profits against your small investments.
  • You can make millions or billions, just like self-made millionaires or billionaires, by turning your knowledge into a useful product that solves a problem for customers/clients or makes their lives better.
Developing creative talent can even turn a single ringgit into thousands.


There is no success without failures. There are many definitions of success. Traditionally, it is defined as the degree to which goals and expectations are met. On the other hand, one of the definitions of failure is the inability of a firm to pay its obligations when they are due.

Thank you.


  1. Very true bro, 100% agreed.

    Actually there are so much one can do, however it is necessary to pursue one or two to have much more tangible added value.

    From personal experiences I knew I had chosen the wrong path to achieve my dream to become financially independent. In those days at mid 90s most of the professional who left their well paying jobs embarked on business venture especially in construction. I was one of them and I could say that out of 100 of us, one 2 that I know bare successful. They rest either barely survive or going back to their profession.

    I was one of those who were barely survived, experienced business failure and no incomes for extended period. The reasons are many, right or wrong but it is not easy for a small fish to swim in the oceans with so many sharks.

    I will write the "failure and hardship" portion in my blog as a personal reminder that I don't want to be in the same situation again.

    But there is no regret, the best part in life is having to try something. Failures provide rewarding experiences and to to prove time and again that it is not what we have achieved that really matter but what we had learned, the knowledge and and the ability to be able to achieve much more!.

    Best regards bro! keep up the blog.
