20 June, 2011


My thought of the day.

The following values followed by an accompanying value statement are offered as suggested starting points can consider using for Dayak organization.

The Values and value statements can be modified to best fit your desired culture.

1. We Value - People Service, People Satisfaction, People Focus, Organizational Focus

Energy must be focused on serving “People First” (both internal and external) in a way that creates the kind of value where they will view our organization as fundamental to their success.

Every member of the organization must understand the important contribution they make in this partnership with the Rakyat.

2. We Value - Personal Responsibility, Personal Effectiveness, Personal Learning, Personal Growth, Intellectual Capital, Personal Talent

Every member is vital to organizational success. Accordingly, each member of the organization must dedicate themselves to creating and supporting a work environment based on personal responsibility and continuously increasing individual as well as collective intellectual capital.

3. We Value - Challenging the Status Quo, Change Acceptance, Risk Taking, Innovation, Creative Thinking

Rakyat operate in an environment where rapid change occurs at an accelerating pace. Because of this continuous change, the organization must be committed to understanding Rakyat like no one else. The organization must value change and see it as an ally.

Members must understand that it is through their individual contributions to the change process that their grassroots and/or voters succeed in a world of constantly evolving organizational needs.

Challenging the status quo and risk taking, helps the organization shape both its own future as well as that of their Rakyat.

4. We Value - Inspired Leadership, Personal Leadership, Shared Leadership, Distributed Leadership, Responsible Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Coaching Leadership

  • We encourage every member at every level to adopt a leadership spirit in all that they do.
  • We believe that in order to excel everyone must be aligned with a clearly expressed vision and organizational direction.
  • We must be absolutely clear about holding ourselves to the highest standards of ethics and integrity.
  • We accept responsibility for our peoples, our members and their families, and to the communities in which we live and work.
  • We believe our fullest potential is based in our dedication to developing those who will lead in the future.

5. We Value - Fairness, Inclusiveness, Diversity, Adaptability, Belonging

A fundamental tenet of our core values is the belief that every member adds unique value to the organization.

  • We embrace the idea that diversity is a competitive advantage we must promote and protect.
  • We will actively invite and include ideas from across the organization to better serve our peoples.
  • We will always strive to show respect for the dignity of every individual. Inclusiveness and diversity of thought expands our personal and collective knowledge.

6. Value - Quality and Excellence Everywhere, Delivering Results, Attaining Best-in-class, Exceeding Expectations

  • We will be unrelenting and uncompromising in our pursuit of quality and reliability in our governance, welfare and services.
  • Our overarching goal is to be the unsurpassed standard of excellence for others to use as the yardstick by which they measure themselves.
  • We will not accept less than our honest best efforts to meet our obligations to our Rakyat and to each other.
  • We will not accept shortcuts to meeting the high standards we profess, nor will we shrink from the goals we have set for ourselves.

7. We Value – Unity in Principle, Responding as a Team, Supporting Each Other as a Team, Team Achievement

We believe our success requires a commitment to Unity via teamwork at all levels of the organization.

Unity involves teamwork combining the skills, talent, knowledge, and experience of all members in a coordinated manner, realizing that narrow definitions of self-interest serve neither our peoples, nor us.

We embrace Unity in principle and in practice through mutual support, encouragement and accountability, believing that by working together as a team, as One big family and sharing knowledge, we can achieve much greater results than by only working as individuals.

Now is the time to take a moment to analyze the alignment of our cultural values with the Vision, Mission, Objective and Strategies (VMOS) of our Dayak organization.


Start with the process of documenting in (three to eight words) your six to eight organizational values. Feel free to use the examples provided here, modifying them so they best describe your "desired" culture.

Develop value statements (twenty to sixty words) that are a best fit for your organization. Then assemble small teams/protem to further discuss and refine the statements to get both buy-in and best fit statements. The goal is to develop {values and statements tailored for your organization - Statements that will become the way you act both as individuals and as an organization.

Thank you.

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