20 June, 2011


In my opinion

NO MATTER WHAT: Dayak can have many-many organizations (politics, NGO, corporate, DTT or whatever) but if they and/or their leaders can’t organize their own “organizational culture and values” it will remain cultureless and valueless!

Emerson quotes:

“Men cease to interest us when we find their limitations. The sin is limitations. As soon as you once come up to a man's limitations, it is all over with him”.

In many situations, the primary problem for Dayak leaders is not competition but a lack of understanding their own organizational culture.

Few organizations spend any time understanding their culture. Organizational culture relates to the underlying set of key values, beliefs, and norms shared by the workforce.

Organizational Values co-exist on two planes: personal and governance (ministration of policy and corporate structuring).

Core organizational values guide an organization while an individual operates on a set of core values that dictate his/her actions.

Therefore, creating good culture in an organization is complicated due to the fact that different people have varying values, different habits, different mindsets, different ideologies, different lifestyles, and so on.

Since culture is a crucial factor in long-term success, Dayak leaders should study and measure key dimensions of culture.

This cultural awareness will help Dayak organizations develop more effective strategies be it politics, social, humanitarian program or business.

Unfortunately, many organization initiatives fail due to the lack of cultural understanding.

Why is it so? In my view, "The failure occurs in most cases because the culture of the organization remained the same”.

Unless a 'CHANGE & TRANSFORMATION', there is little hope of any long lasting improvement in Dayak organizational culture.

Therefore, 21st organizations ought to recognize the important of understand their own leadership and corporate/ministration culture.

If Dayak still insist in maintaining their “status quo”, then “success, advancement and prosperity” will never become a reality.

“Status-Quo” simply mean to keep the things the way they presently are or used to be and/or the state of affairs that existed previously!

Nadai berubah lalu baka selama; nguan menoa baka selama nadai pemansang....

Thank you

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