17 June, 2011


Have we ever improvised our Dayak new ways of thinking with regard to “Gawai Dayak Resolution” as it marks the calendar of our Dayak New Year?

If ‘others’ have their own “new year resolution”, why can’t we? We gotta be creative and innovative if we want to be at par with ‘others’.

It is often said that all of us come into this world on equal footing, with nothing in our possession. Certainly we are born with equal value in the eyes of our Creator; “GOD” / “PETARA” / “ALLAH TAALA”, and we don’t enter the world with any material possessions. Yet we do not begin life empty handed.

The moment we are born, we each have in our possession the most amazing gift! It is the gift of pure untapped potential, unique and different for each of us.

A person might have the potential to heal illness, invent, create art, teach, write, solve complex problems, or alleviate suffering. He/she might have the potential to inspire others with amazing courage or accomplishments in spite of extreme disability or misfortune.

Our challenge today is to search, discover, locate, develop and empower this amazing potential. It often presents itself as a recurring interest and/or idea we can’t shake or a special talent. It might appear as a meaningful coincidence that brings us face to face with an opportunity disguised as a problem.

When we come to realize this amazing ‘inner potential’ (how are we going to compete with others; SWOT?), we are able to set realistic goals to make the world a better place. Then we must visualize those goals in detail, and hold them in the front of our minds daily to keep our actions on course with our objectives.

I hereby would like to suggest committing to oneself first that could truly make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Think about the potential you were given, how you have used it, and how you could use it to benefit your ownself, your family and others.

Visualize yourself using this “untapped God’s given gift” to create a better world with your unique talents. Imagine how you will feel when you’ve succeeded. After you complete this brief exercise, you’ll feel confident, energized, and ready to go into action.

Resolve to continue developing your unique potential from now on and every each day. You might be surprised to see many of your past struggles resolve in the process.

Best of all, you’ll have the joy of knowing that you’ve truly made a difference in your life, and in the lives of others. You will have made the world a better place to live.

Cheers and Happy Gawai Dayak 2011!


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